Tesla Model 3 P/LR oder Polestar 2 mit 18?
mal angenommen ich bekomme auf einen Schlag eine Nette Summe Geld.
Bin 18 Jahre alt und kaufe mir davon ein Tesla Model 3 P/LR oder einen Polestar 2. Was haltet ihr davon, ist das Ok oder unsinnig?
Über die Diskussion ob Elektroautos nun besser oder Schlechter als Verbrenner sind möchte ich nichts hören.
Aus meiner Sicht macht ein Elektroauto heut zutage einfach nur Sinn.
I think it’s an insane decision. Also the insurance will not be enthusiastic about the idea
Model 3, you can charge to the Tesla charging stations.
I personally would buy an i4.
The Tesla system has now also been opened for other cars.
Unfortunately, I find the i4 handy, with its narrows ripe and the unshaped design. I would also like to take advantage of the German motorway and not only drive 130.
Seriously?! That would have died for me. The only advantage is given away.
He doesn’t know the i4, a negligent lie. He means the i3
Of course, that makes sense. Don’t let those guys talk you into an old little car.
From my point of view, cars are still the most advanced in the market. With nem electric, the most important thing is the software. In the end, it’s not about which car, but whether it’s kind of sensual at my age to buy such a car.
Do you need to know what you would do with the money?