Hallo, da ich mir in naher zunkunft einen 190er kaufe und auch überlege dazu ein bodykit zu kaufen wollte ich wissen welche erfahrungen ihr mit sowas gemacht habt. (Umbau, Befestigung, TüV…) Und wie groß ein Unterschied zwieschen einem von ebay für 800 euro und einem für 3.000 euro ist. z.B https://www.ebay.de/itm/365201152020?_skw=190+amg&itmmeta=01JCX9HPHRVPS8S5622C2K4V23&hash=item5507af5814:g:q3YAAOSwAr9nDQyJ&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA4HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKlPf0XB62R8l4NorFE8%2F0uSxczPsbjhcRdkwEZfbMmNhXAlUE%2BiPp02OeJ5CjQCbSmlBCGrnZp39uaIHg3ADsfVvQ1gMhWgxqemynfKZmmPsbdttEZsx%2BCB%2Fq8iRbdWXHX584IEfyi8UTiLIUEXmSb1oTZwQel0fXme6PC7KoYqBDK8Ol%2B%2BTEmPnTULLD0rCBSZYtyux%2BtZkjApickd3j5scVQ1HldzwqDbR%2FbWjwZkVNyF7YZuejpD8I47PmzHwkSrMENIWT%2BRMF%2Fej6uzNAlB%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR4rpxqnnZA
Yes it is possible to load a Tesla Model 3 on a normal socket. For this purpose, a charge adapter is required, with Tesla called this mobile connector and must be purchased in addition. By April 2022 he was included. However, other devices such as the Juice Booster or the NRGNick can also be used. There are also other devices in the accessories, also the devices of other car manufacturers are usable.
However, the power that this socket can output is quite low. Although a household socket is approved for 16 A, this applies only to a short-term load of less than one hour. For permanent use, the load should remain below 10A. This means a charging power of a maximum of 2300W, better less, which naturally leads to very long charging times.
If possible, you should better use a single-phase CEE-Dose, also called camping-Dose. This is suitable for a permanent load of 16A. For the Tesla Mobie Connector, the Juice Booster and the NRGNick there are corresponding plug adapters.
Of course, the best solution is to use a wallbox.
It goes however such sockets are not intended for a continuous load you can probably only load 10A which then takes over 12 hours, strong current should have everyone you just have to retrofit