Tesla Gebraucht oder Neu kaufen?


was haltet ihr für die schlaueste Art einen Tesla zu fahren?

Wenn ich mir die Gebrauchtwagen-Preise eines Model 3 ansehe, so sind die teilweise teurer als der derzeitige Neupreis. Kennt hierfür jemand den Grund?

Zu welchem Modell würdet ihr mir raten? Ich bin generell auf kein Baujahr beschränkt, auch gebrauchte Model S/X kämen in Frage falls ihr mir dazu raten würdet.

Danke im Voraus!

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3 years ago

Of course, it comes a bit to your annual journey, if you drive a lot, then it is usually worth buying or lease a new vehicle. You have the new car guarantee, and you’re getting a generous promotion right now. – Attention, this is only secured if the vehicle is approved by 31.12. If this is no longer this year, and you want to involve the promotion in your calculation, then you should wait until it is clear how it goes on with the promotion.

The models 3 and Y are much more modern cars than the models S and X whose construction is already relatively old. The lever Through the promotion is also the “longer” the cheaper the car is.

For reasons of reason, there are currently few alternatives to Model 3, if you want to stay with Tesla.

3 years ago

If I look at the used car prices of a model 3, the prices are sometimes more expensive than the current new price. Does anyone know the reason?

The reason will be the same as the Trabbi in the GDR: The used one is immediately available, on the new ones there is a longer waiting period.

Which model would you advise me?

To that which corresponds to your ideas. No one can know that.

3 years ago

The fact that the used car price is so high in electric cars is due to the first great demand, but mainly to a few countries. There are sometimes very high taxes on negotiators. That is why young people who are no longer affected by these taxes are extremely desirable in these countries.

This price stability for electric cars leads to the fact that I can only advise you to buy new cars.

without special requirements, I would advise you to the M3 LR. That would be my choice.

3 years ago

Tesla is extremely price stable. This year, I have set myself a (new) model 3, fortunately before the price increases.

With the growing number of electric cars on the market, used Teslas will also become cheaper.

A used car is not yet worth it. I would take a new model Y or 3 depending on how much space you need. If you want the car right away, you don’t get around a used person.

Model S and X are great, but significantly higher price. And honestly, the extra charge in my eyes is not worth it.

3 years ago

A new car has a longer delivery time at Tesla.

Used cars not!

How about that?


3 years ago

New, which model you need, I cannot judge.

3 years ago

What do you think is the smartest way to drive a tesla?

The smartest thing would not be to drive Tesla at all….

3 years ago


3 years ago
Reply to  KaffeemitMilf

Come on, just not a Tesla. Before I buy myself, horse-drawn carriages would have to go on the streets again. These are simply the most faulty and qualitatively poorest vehicles at all. I don’t know who’s happy with his car in my circle. In one, even the rear bumper has dropped because the vibrations did not hold the fastenings on one side. Another one with his model X has permanent electronics problems….

3 years ago

I also see the e-mobility is the biggest blender since there are horses and cars.

3 years ago

Buy a new model 3 or Y.

3 years ago

Not yet, just wait

3 years ago

The smartest way is not to drive this environmental sender, not even to buy.

3 years ago
Reply to  ZuumZuum

I think there are enough electric cars to drive because they are just cheaper.

3 years ago
Reply to  ZuumZuum

Why environmental blinds?

3 years ago
Reply to  KaffeemitMilf

How do the raw materials for the batteries come from, how is the discharge of the batteries regulated? Where does the electricity come from for daily charging? Not including the infrastructure that needs to be created, what is this deteriorating from resources and how is the CO2 balance?

3 years ago
Reply to  ZuumZuum

I didn’t buy my Tesla for the environment. And if I had done it, he’d be profitable after about 100,000 kilometers.

3 years ago
Reply to  Rolajamo

Well, you bought it because you’re a tech freak, and you had to have it. In Africa, you have supported child labour and in South America the expropriation and depopulation of entire landmarks.
On the other hand, BMW is an orphan with his Nazi history.

3 years ago
Reply to  ZuumZuum

Then, for the same money, a VW four-cylinder slag diesel with a quarter of the power, which then also costs KFZ control, has to customer service and has twice as high fuel costs? Well, of course.

3 years ago
Reply to  migebuff

I’m not driving a VW. Until 10 years ago, you probably wouldn’t have driven anything else. Wait until the light sets the price for the kW hour electricity for your electric motor. It should be 69 cents per kW/h. What do you think all households are equipped with digital electricity meters?

3 years ago

What argument should I have if you have relatives in Bolivia? That’s not even an argument. The new Tesla batteries are also based on lithium. There comes garnix from Bolivia. And the battery is mostly recyclable.

3 years ago

No, they’re not, the ADAC also says.



https://www.adac.de/transport/tanken-kraftstoff-Drive/alternative-Drives/climate balance/


I’ve asked him how he’s getting the power for his plug-in. And what did they cost? Only 13,000 euros, was a bargain. The car…58,000 euros he also got cheap, of course the plug – in hybrid is about 9,000 euros more expensive than the same model with a diesel engine.

All the purchases must also be made. And you have to hang the car to the socket every day.

What should I tell you, after 4 months it was too much for him, since he drags the battery and the electric motors as a ballast with him through world history.

You actually asked stupid. If your work colleague can’t plug the plug in at night, it’s not my problem. And if you wouldn’t do that, you’d be lucky.

Now this is of course different in a pure electro-mobile, you have to charge up forcibly. But in order to be able to use it correctly you need the appropriate hardware, i.e. Walbox with two or even three phases, otherwise you will never get the car charged to the other day to the extent that it could last for a week. The process is carried out with more kW than the standard 1-phase charger can be pumped in 8 hours. That’s how it would be with the model I was interested in. Installation of 22 kW – Walboxes is not possible anywhere.

It is recommended to load daily. And I do. I’ve had a load of up to three days. 13 Kw/h Wallbox is installed. One night the battery is full. Where’s the problem? You wind up from “Argument” to “Argument”.

3 years ago

Just make fun of it, which gives me the impression of ignorance and arrogance. But this is typical German if you have no more arguments….

3 years ago

Nice to meet you. And there was a Tesla in the forest:D

3 years ago

However, a solar system on the roof cannot install any tenant. If you have your own house, no thema, but apart from that, solar is for hot water production, what you mean is a PV (photovoltaics) plant. How much m2 you need to install to power a wallbox with 22 kW? So much roof area does not have a detached house. And do you think you’d be allowed to drive over public roads free of charge with an electric vehicle? They have to be kept up. You don’t pay KFZ – tax and also no mineral oil tax, so you’ll be able to tap the money otherwise. Like in fresh water, through a constrained consumption.

3 years ago

Well, where will the price for fuel be? Lower than now? I can’t do anything against high fuel prices, a solar system on the roof helps against high electricity prices.

3 years ago

But e-cars, unlike burners, are much more environmentally friendly.

No, they’re not, the ADAC also says. It’s just different. There is no motion energy for lukewarm. That’s what I’ve told a working mate who proudly explained with a new plug-in hybrid, who said he’d drive free now. After 26 years, he announced his other colleague the driving community.

I’ve asked him how he’s getting the power for his plug-in. And what did they cost? Only 13,000 euros, was a bargain. The car…58,000 euros he also got cheap, of course the plug – in hybrid is about 9,000 euros more expensive than the same model with a diesel engine.
All the purchases must also be made. And you have to hang the car to the socket every day.
What should I tell you, after 4 months it was too much for him, since he drags the battery and the electric motors as a ballast with him through world history.

Now this is of course different in a pure electro-mobile, you have to charge up forcibly. But in order to be able to use it correctly you need the appropriate hardware, i.e. Walbox with two or even three phases, otherwise you will never get the car charged to the other day to the extent that it could last for a week. The process is carried out with more kW than the standard 1-phase charger can be pumped in 8 hours. That’s how it would be with the model I was interested in. Installation of 22 kW – Walboxes is not possible anywhere.

It doesn’t look like one, everyone just looks at his own plate.

3 years ago

This is all right, but in the environmental balance, e-cars are now much better than combustor.

3 years ago

What would you say if I had seen it with my own eyes on the ground? Because I have, I have relatives in Bolivia.

3 years ago

Think about where the resources for the burners come from? Batteries are mostly recyclable. Otherwise the car is exactly the same.

And on the topic of electricity: Do you think the propellant is spinning out of the pumping column? For one liter of gasoline at the end user, 1.6 Kw electricity is needed. If a continuous burner consumes about 80% of the power of an electric vehicle. But it also has the eject.

No car is environmentally friendly. But e-cars, unlike burners, are much more environmentally friendly.

3 years ago

You should get in touch before you come here. Sugar sweeten your theses, but Telegram is not the only source of information.

3 years ago

Do not drive Tesla

3 years ago
Reply to  RefaUlm
