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2 years ago

Hello Sisley,

one speaks of the terz spacing when the interval of two sounds or two voices is a terz, that is to say 3 or 4 halftone steps.

There is a well-known work by Chopin, the ‘Terzen-Etüde’, where the right hand continuously plays two voices at the terz-distance – small and large terzens. Here is a small detail:

Short enough explained? 😉


2 years ago

I believe a terz distance is when between 2 tones 3-4 halftone steps are located. I’m not sure because I haven’t had any music for a long time

2 years ago

2 tones which are located in a note system on directly superimposed note lines or directly superimposed note interspaces.

2 years ago

From one to the next is the distance Secund; to the next, that is, third, Terz4th: Quartthe fifth Quince, after Sex, Septime and Octave: the octaveton repeats the output tone, but higher or lower. Below the Sekund lies the Prim, the distance of a sound to itself, so no distance! Prim is always the basic tone.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dorylaus

No. In one piece in the C major, the interval G-Gis is also a prime & neither G nor Gis are the basic tone and very well this prime has a distance, namely that of a half tone.

2 years ago

When it comes to music, I weaken…

Terz (Music) – Wikipedia