Tempomat 55 km/h bei erlaubten 50km/h?

Eine Arbeitskollegin fährt immer mit Tempomat 5 km/h über der Begrenzung ( 50 , 70, 100 ) an den stationären Blitzersäulen vorbei und kriegt nie ein Foto .

An anderen Stellen fährt sie dann auch mal 20 schneller ..

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7 months ago

Once, it wouldn’t be anything special that the speedometer displays 5 km/h more than the car actually drives. So that you have 55 km/h on the speedometer as a driver, but the speed measuring system of the flasher measures only 50 km/h. To do this, you only need to have a wheel size with a slightly smaller rolling circumference mounted than the biggest what would be permissible for the car…

Furthermore, the flasher is not yet triggered at the very smallest speed exceedings. In most cases, there are 3 km/h tolerance reduction, i.e. 53 km/h with allowed 50 would not be a violation after tolerance reduction. Thus, one saves the administrative work of editing such flash photos and adjusts the flasher so that it triggers only from a measured value of 54 km/h or 55 km/h. What is sometimes already 60 km/h on the speedometer of the car.

7 months ago

Thanks for the info.

7 months ago

The speedometer always shows a slightly higher speed than you actually drive. And the lightning strikes a tolerance. This is enough when you drive at 55 to stay below the lightning limit.

7 months ago

The speedometer (and thus also the tempomat) usually takes 3-5 km/h. From the speed measured by the flasher, 3 km/h of measurement tolerance are drawn off.

What are you gonna blame her? 48 instead of 50 km/h?

And in addition, the flashers usually only release when the limit is exceeded. I don’t know anyone who got a ticket for 2 km/h.

7 months ago

I always drive with limiter. Internal areas 55, except for 107.

7 months ago

It’s intelligent. But what specific is your question?

7 months ago
Reply to  hamberlona

What’s intelligent about it?

7 months ago

Thanks for the info. Or is there another question?

7 months ago
Reply to  ohwehohach

Do you have to ask a question? Always thought this would be a pure entertainment platform….when a pretty bad one…..

7 months ago
Reply to  VFR80065

I’ve always wondered why it’s goodQuestion 😀 If you mean ” entertainment” in the sense of “Entertainment”, you’re right.