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11 months ago


No one can tell you that

  1. nobody does
  2. no one knows how strong you bleed
  3. we do not know how to put the paces in your underpants (folded, folded, put on top of each other etc.)
  4. no one knows how much blood will come out with you right tomorrow and how viscous it is

Tempos are very thin and not suitable for this. Better would be kitchen roll or dishes if it had to be absolutely, but that doesn’t last forever.

What do you think about going past a drugstore or gas station in the morning and buying ties if you have no more?


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



11 months ago

tomorrow the shop has quite early open, if necessary ask a female person nearby sometimes also guys have what for the girlfriend, but rather the older ones.

If you take enough one to two hours on stronger days, on light days can even last a whole day.

11 months ago

Why don’t you just go in a store for 5 minutes and get yourself stuck?

Tempos are not enough. And when you run out no one knows how thick the blood is or how much to bleed.