Temperamentvolle, wilde & zuverlässige Pferderasse gesucht?
Hallo, suche eine Temperamentvoll, wilde & zuverlässige Pferderasse. Wenn ihr Ideen habt, helft mir bitte weiter.
LG _merlivia_
Hier bin ich nochmal. xD Also ich habe einen 17 jährigen De Sportpferd Wallach, aus schlechter Haltung übernommen, immerhin hatte er 24/7 Heu. Bei den Vorbesitzern hatte er anscheinend viel Stress wodurch er Anfang des Jahres auch recht stark Cushing hatte, mittlerweile sind die Symptome aber fast weg, außerdem hat er ein verknöchertes Karpalgelenk aber…
Hey, wer meinen vorherigen Fragen schon gelesen hat, weiß das ich (seit 2 Wochen) stolzer Papa von Rattenweibchen bin (Gina und Toffi). Toffi ist noch sehr vorsichtig und zicht recht schnell ab. Gina aber ist schon sehr interessiert an meiner Hand. Ich lege regelmäßig meine Hand in den Käfig, damit Gina mich beschnuppern kann. Nun…
Hi, ich habe gestern zwei Meerschweinchen bekommen und würde die beiden gerne dran gewöhnen aus einer Trinkflasche zu trinken, wie kann ich sie am besten dran gewöhnen?
Hallo Mein Wellensittich ist von einer von 2 Meter runter gefallen. Er kann nicht fliegen als er am Boden war hatte er aufeinmal Blut am Schnabel. Er hat dann gezwitschert und hat sich in die Ecke verkrochen. Ich Sitz hier am Boden völlig verzweifelt und er versucht Grad iwie zu würgen. Ich glaube er hat…
So zu allererst bitte kein: wie kannst du nur tierquälerei unterstützten ect. Ich mach mir mein eigenes Bild und wenn ich gut reiten kann reiße ich auch nicht den Pferden im Maul wie das vielleicht andere auf Rohr machen!So jetzt zu meiner eigentlichen Frage: 2freundinen und ich wollen nächstes Jahr in den Sommerferien zu rohe…
Mein Pferd hat einen Riss am Huf, beginnend am Kronsaum. Er ist geschätzt-gemessen (habe versucht mit dem Hufkratzer und Fingernagel in den Spalt zu kommen) max. 1mm tief.Es hat nichts geblutet, das Bein ist nicht heiß, er läuft nicht lahm, lässt sich problemlos alle Hufe auskratzen, an der Stelle anfassen, belastet alle 4 Beine auch…
So in the wild, Mustang arrives (Google but mustangmakeover 2020)
I’ve thought about it before.😉 Thank you.
Wildflowers are reliable 2 opposites that exclude each other. If you train a wild horse until it is reliable, it is no longer wild. There’s no cuddling on your own…
*“Wild and reliable”, nix with flowers 😉
This is not possible on a certain horse breed, or Limit breeding lines, but has much more to do with the character and temperament of a horse. Even with the most balanced cold-blooded, there are usually temperamental and wild, just as there should be Arabs who are the purest sleeping pills.
When you put a horse, you should not stick it to a certain race, whose qualities you hope for your horse, but to what you want to do with the horse. If you dream of jumping, you better not get a heavy Haflinger and you want to ride dressage properly, maybe not necessarily an Icelandic or Norwegian.
And as far as these qualities you want, I recommend that you prepare enough and take the trainer to judge if the task is to be accomplished. For wild and spirited sounds like maiden horse book romanticism, adventure and dreaming of harmony with the beloved horse – but the reality can be very quickly too much fear of the next one and to uncertainty and little joy on the horse. In theory, one imagines a lot very simple – but to cope with reality with a horse that may be constantly “traveling under the back”, can be gathering little, over-attentive and perseveral, sometimes makes little fun – no matter how reliable the horse may be in other areas.
Lazy and buzzy horses are little fun when you have certain ambitions, but too spirited and too wild horses, you can go through the whole of the east wind farm and actually want to ride properly, correctly and well.
In vain love: at Ostwind, the entire world of expertise is shown so stupid so that the inclined viewer can think of himself super smart. That’s why fans don’t believe a word 😆
Maybe you’re right. Nevertheless, I do not give up and try to bring a little reality to some girls’ dreams.
I can absolutely understand all the young girls. With 11,12,13 I also had dreams and ideas that I thought were absolutely realistic and of which I know today that it was airbreaks and also that these airlocks were not bad. Dreams are important. They brighten up everyday life and make the dreamy future world a little more rosy. And as long as you finally get into reality and don’t break the fact that it has nothing to do with the dreams, it’s all right.
That’s what you said.
What are you gonna do with the horse? You can say more about the character of races. A Shire horse zb will take you nix if you want to jump and an Island nix if you want to ride dressage properly (both maybe at the tournament level). And character is always different, as with man. There are not all Germans, all Turks, all English, all Chinese, etc. Just like horse breeds. At ehorses it is best to specify all criteria (stock size, training level, age, etc.) and see everything through. I found some great horses at the time (where my rather was a lucky handle over ebay.
So I have an English whole blood and if he is one then spirited (sometimes also wild 🤪) but he is also very reliable.
I find the English whole blood a very great breed ▼
narrow. Full-blooded, if well treated, are the best horses of the planet. Life insurance and better than any Haflinger. Okay, if you can handle them.
Unfortunately, I cannot fully agree with you because, as I find, you can’t say that on a flat scale for all narrow full-blooded people. Mine is a very dear and great horse, but also not always a life insurance, as he also likes to let the Sau out under the rider, although he is really working regularly and also has daily pasture.
Above all, you need properly dosed training, which it takes, but of course not overwhelmed. This is the most important thing to consider in dealing with them.
Yes you are right, but still every horse is different and reacts differently to different situations 😉
letting the sauce out under the rider is a special characteristic of the blossom. There was a heavy cold-blooded man in my former stable. He went through his rider in the grounds and ran into the stable until IN. If she hadn’t dropped in time, she would have been knocked. Blowingers are more fleeting and respond faster, that is true, but in the case of cases they also react in the crisis more subtle than that cold. They are simply more sensitive and then you can reach them more than the cold that really could only stop a concrete wall.
and a sensitive, fine hand.
So I have a mare that’s a Bavarian warm blood. It is really very common and in the terrain fiery but an absolute abandoned horse. Of course, you can’t flatter yourself
We also have a Bavarian warm blood, which is sometimes quite wild 😂
I once had a trakhener who had some fire but was very reliable and a great riding horse with which it was never boring 🙂
What do you mean “wild”? Living? Or wild in the sense of untired? If you think of the last thing, it usually ends with confidence.
The question is: what do you want to do with the horse? If you have pictures of ala Wendy/Easterwind in your head, unfortunately, there is no…
Wendy/Easterwind still try many and then land hard on the bottom of the facts. We also have one in the stable, if something doesn’t work, but we still owe the horse. Her rasters sometimes left in which she kicks the poor horse when it does what she doesn’t fit (I talk about harmless things like eating, turning around the putzplatz around a horse to watch etc. is a mega good but rotten horse). But then do not be seated, with knotneck and without saddle, heat over space and excite when you crash… But hey, mostly like east wind moderate. “We’re full of Mika and Ostwind” was her statement last time when I was walking with her because my in mind is naturally more relaxed.
OmG…! Horses don’t get kicked anyway, and with this statement with east wind, I would have to leave personally….
Saddle must be in class, but more knotted it. Why? No warning. But she feels very good. At first she didn’t even want to take lessons with the foundation she wouldn’t learn anything anymore, she would still be able to learn what she would be in class. See who started to take riding lessons.
If one of my girls with knotnecks and possibly without saddle were to teach, they could make them happy again.
She’s not about being biteless, just like in East Wind. Without saddle and with knots to be carried in the GGA by the opposite, however, it is also easier to ride dressage than a horse. She can’t do that and tries to beat others with her ‘can’. Ordinary riding, however, does not want to learn, meanwhile it only rides with knotnecks in riding lessons.
The knot neck is quite a sensible working tool. But suitable for riding only conditionally. If it is to be bitless, there are better suitable alternatives. And my opinion about riding without a saddle is that it certainly does not harm a well-muscular horse. But in the long run, that’s nix for the horse back!
I’d rather have been. Even when she and a friend took photos where I was there so that my horse company can relax and graze something, the statement she was like mika and Ostwind and the other tournament rider because she was only on the way with knottedneck and the other with saddle and trense. Meanwhile, I also avoid them, among other things, because they mean knowing everything better about my stubborn. But I know it’s jealous because Papi doesn’t allow her own horse. Most of us are also good as we are in layers in the stables and I only have one piece in layers 1 from 7:00. And I’m glad that I have my rest and someone competent to entertain from whom I still learn something.
Well, one of them is closing the other somehow. And that does not come to the race, but also to the character
..and training.
Training not necessarily.. Our tuning horse sometimes turns completely on the wheel and is really wild. Then go out as best in the exam.
That’s different. Without training, the horse would not run any tests, no matter what race it belongs and what character it has. The character is not shown until training.
wild and reliable do not fit together. Besides. Who wants wild horses? Mostly the Wendys of our time.
Stylish is not just wild. The whole blood streams are naturally spirited, but wild (= spoiled) should not be them. On the contrary, even full blood horses should be sweet and obedient and certainly not wild.
there isn’t. unless you sign the “goodly educated school pony” as a breed. when you run it with his group, galloped, boiled and rises it and beats out and rows wild with the head.
as soon as a child gets it to ride, it’s brav like a slumber, can be brushed, saddled, trimmed and you can ride it and make it floor work with it without it crawling around.
behind such ponys are careful selection of animals and years of work.
the schools call such animals if they also have them as “preventing wollmilchsau”
What do you want with a “wild” horse? Ride Rodeo? *gg*
I’ve already thought about it.
And the first thing the rider does when he gets one is to make him brav. And then they are not more wild or spirited than any other horse. Mustang is not a race. Among them there are all kinds of horse racks.
No. Then they would look uniform. And they don’t. A mustang can look like a riding pony, the other like a Freiberger, the third like a scraper, the fourth like a full blossom etc…etc….etc….
Mustangs are a breed