Telekom Repeater verbinden?

Hallo ich besitze 3 Telekom repeater (2 alte weiße und 1 neuer schwarzer). Ist es besser wenn ich die Reapeter wie in einer Kette miteinander verbinde oder alle direkt mit dem Router? Sollten die Repeater beim verbinden alle nah beim Router zusammen stehen?

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2 months ago

If this isn’t a Mesh Repeater, they belong to the garbage.

Wlan hates Wlan routers and repeaters but everyone has their own network. However, up to 50% Wlan Power goes away.

You have to look with the phone where you have about 50% Wlan. Too close the signal breaks. Too far from the repeater is not enough. (My speedport makes 9 m Clean Wlan). It’s about 4 m. Only at 9 m A repeater is unnecessary. Because not every router has such a hammer signal. So test with the phone

ABER routers and repeaters must see each other. For so long, ordinary house curses are not.

Not the variant

Router stands down in the hallway, the repeater is centered on the 1st floor.

2 months ago
Reply to  oscr06

Then the question is unnecessary.

2 months ago

It’s best to let the repeaters go. Each repeater halves the throughput.

2 months ago
Reply to  oscr06

Smart people invented a “cable” for the problem.

2 months ago

the question is: Do you need repeater?

the question is: how many do you need?

the question is: how do they have to be set up that you have 100% internet performance at any location of your apartment?

the question is: what internet connection do you have?

should I continue…?

2 months ago
Reply to  oscr06

well, if you have already answered you, you also know the answer to the question you have asked.

you build a mesh maximum and its Svlae’s are connected to the router via LAN cable, everything else is kindergarten