Telegram Chat weg?
Habe mit einer Person mehrere Monate über Telegram geschrieben, jetzt ist plötzlich der komplette Chat weg. Heißt das, die Person hat mich blockiert ? Und falls ja, ist der Chat dann nur bei mir gelöscht oder auch bei ihr ?
Danke für die Antwort.
Maybe it doesn’t have to be. Also the chat partner can have deleted for other reasons. It is also a massanger on Russian servers. It happens that through updates or similar chats are lost.
M 14
when the chat is gone, then the chat has been deleted
Best regards, Zimbo
You can delete the chat at any time. Either by itself or by both. Must have been deleted from both. But there’s also a cache function that deletes a few things after months.
You can delete the chats on both sides.
And whether this person has blocked you or not, you cannot say from this information.