Telegram Chat Support Abzocke?
Ich habe letztens eine Nachricht von einem Profil auf Telegram bekommen, was Telegram hieß und verifiziert war. Nun solle ich irgendeine Email Adresse anschreiben. Ist das eine Abzocke oder gibt es wirklich einen solchen Support bot der etwas schreibt?
Ignore. Often, unfamiliar accounts want to turn you any cryptocurrency that will contact you under all kinds of excuses.
Why would you have to send an email when someone wants something from you?
Report and block, and rest. See you next.
There was apparently a copyright violation in a group I was in. I left them right after the message. However, it also makes me stubborn that the message was in English…
Why don’t you write the Telegram support and ask if it’s from them?