
Hallo ich habe mit der telefonseelsorge telefoniert die waren unfreundlich dadurch dass ich nicht an Gott glaube können die mit mir nicht telefonieren hieß es. Die haben auch eine neue Ansage wenn keiner ans Telefon gehen kann wenn alle Leitungen besetzt sind. Ich finde die Leute von der telefonseelsorge werden immer unfreundlicher. 2010 habe ich mal mit der telefonseelsorge zum ersten Mal telefoniert da waren die richtig freundlich noch. Wenn ich ein gesprächspartner finde bei der Seelsorge können die höchstens 10 15 Minuten telefonieren früher war es noch viel länger.

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5 months ago

As a Christian I find very stupid. Juckt was apparently not a but I would like to make my comment!

So they don’t want to help you because you’re unbelievable, that means they probably don’t know their own gott right. God loves everyone, whatever faith or unbelief etc. That means their action is simply unharmed and wrong.

Clearly, believers (also I) find it really stupid if someone doesn’t believe, but then not even help is just anything but charity that teaches us Jesus!

Bless God and I hope you will find the help you need!

5 months ago

Behavior is not right. The pastoral care has a psychological task and is very important to those affected. I am also Christian, but I find it shameful “infidels” not to help. It doesn’t always need a psychiatrist, an open ear sometimes helps a lot. If they took the faith and the Bible seriously, they would even be obliged to help as Christians. This service, even if it is usually honorary, costs money. It is sad that from a financial point of view, even as the red pencil is placed in this way. It is not just about society as a whole, but about every single person. On the one hand it is commendable to engage in it, on the other hand one should also bring empathy to it. I hope you don’t need the pastoral care more often, and if, then with a competent conversation partner or a conversation partner.

5 months ago

I’ve called it a lot and I don’t like it. Most of the time, they say, wait till tomorrow and ask someone else and one also said that the soul would choose their life before, I find it really unharmed.

5 months ago

Probably didn’t use so many of this offer in the past. So it wouldn’t surprise me if the conversation was limited to a maximum of 15 minutes to allow other callers to talk with grief.

5 months ago

I only have bad experiences with them. When I called 15 that was 4 years ago, they told me that I shouldn’t be stupid because I was too young for the kind of trouble. It made everything worse in principle.