Tee bei Periodenschmerzen?
Welcher Tee kann da helfen?
Welcher Tee kann da helfen?
Im Körper? oder ist es neutral der eine hat mehr der eine weniger je nach lifestyle Ureinwohner haben 100 mal weniger Mikroplastik im körper als wir modernen Westländer
Also getrocknet?
Leute meine Mutter hat Nudeln also ganz normal aus der Packung getrocknet im Kühlschrank gelagert waren schon geöffnet aber die Packung war einfach offen also die hat das nicht irgendwo rein getan und verschlossen einfach offen da rein kann man die noch essen oder nicht ? Hab immer Angst bei Sachen die nicht verschlossen sind…
Die Bürger von Deutschland lieben Döner. In unserer Kleinstadt gibt es nur einen Dönerladen, der wird jedoch von einem unprofessionellen Besitzer geführt. Was meint ihr? Mit etwas Kreativität sollten das Ganze doch boomen, oder? Ich habe die nötige Baufläche dafür.
I haven’t had any experiences yet, but…
Eva Aschenbrenner writes in her book ‘The herbal apotheke of God’📗 that in pain during the period you can brew a tea from the herbs🌱 sheep-garbe, women’s coat and pigeonel. One should drink a fourth tea per day (browned from a coated tablespoon of the tea mixture, which consists in equal parts of the abovementioned plants), except during the period.
Drinking older women, she writes a tea of sheep’s and women’s coat.
Maybe it helps…
Good luck!
⬇️⬇️⬇️Request: Now I have an experience report⬇️⬇️⬇️
🌱I was on a herbal tour today; the leader said you helped it during the period Sheep to drink (from about the upper third of the plant)since these anti-fungal works
All good, LG 👋
If you are suffering from very long and severe control bleeding, you can try it with medicinal plants such as shepherd husk, women’s coat or sniper. Above all, shepherd husk can have a blood-smoothing property and trigger a contraction of the uterus.
However, it is advisable not to drink quantities of the same variety of tea per day and to switch between teas after two to three weeks.
You can also try it with ingvalues, chamomile tea, monk whistle, thyme tea, geese finger herb tea or currant tea.
Thank you. Why do you have to change that?
You can drink up to two litres of herbal tea per day without having the harmful effects. So if you drink a lot of tea from the aspect, you should change it after three weeks at the latest, just to protect the liver.
I didn’t know
Tea cannot relieve pain, but you can do something for the cramps and drink camel
None. It’s him, you’re tipping him into a heat bottle and putting her on your stomach.
Ibuprofen tea