Techniker Krankenkasse Entgelttabelle?
hat zufällig jemand eine PDF oder einen Link zur aktuellen Entgelttabelle der Techniker Krankenkasse? Ich suche seit tagen vergebens danach im Internet
Vielen Dank schon einmal 🙂
hat zufällig jemand eine PDF oder einen Link zur aktuellen Entgelttabelle der Techniker Krankenkasse? Ich suche seit tagen vergebens danach im Internet
Vielen Dank schon einmal 🙂
Der Durchschnittlichs Mensch in Deutschland verdient ca. 50.000€. Gerne auch mit dem Beruf beantworten.
In einer Großstadt Abzüglich Steuern und Tank Also wie viel bleibt übrig? Und Lohnt sich dann nur am Wochenende ein paar Stunden zu fahren?
Ich bin seit Jahren Elektriker weil ich den Beruf mag und aus Leidenschaft tue, sagt man gerne… mach das was du liebst. 5 Jahre bin ich in dem Beruf und arbeite knapp über Mindestlohn im Westen Deutschlands, wo ist der Fachkräftemangel? Mehrere Betriebe reißen sich um mich die Hände, trotzdem ist oft nur minimal über…
Also DHL Postbote, oder Erzieher.
Ich habe ein Job-Angebot als Personalreferent (Bewerbungsprozesse unterstützen, Lohnabrechnung, HR-Projekte,..). Ich habe einen Bachelor in BWL und bisher ein Praktikum absolviert. Das Gehalt für eine 40-Stunden-Woche wäre 43.500€ jährlich. Ist das in Ordnung oder zu wenig? Was denkt ihr?
I don’t think there’s any on the Internet. Didn’t find any.
I have seen that, after training, they directly offer an entry level of at least 3.5k gross, as I am interested in looking at the salaries in the following pay groups and stages.
Even if the proportion of 3.5k gross had broken down Christmas money to the individual months, it would not be so much again.
But vll still finds someone who has this table or someone who works with the technician
Yeah, I asked because I worked with the technician. I’m azubi, but yes. So I don’t know, but you don’t deserve badly. The 3.5 I think I could go well. There was also a traif negotiations and there has been a little further increase. You always get the Christmas money in a payment if I understood it correctly. In general, however, the benefits and the salary are really good.
VL can be at most 40,00 Euro – but this can also be regulated (house) collectively other
Thank you
Vwl should be 39.88
Oh, I didn’t know, I’m still at the decision on which professional in the healthcare industry I want to apply to the technicians, must be one in Hannover/Bremen.
May I ask how much VL, so power-effective services, you get?
I’ll make the merchant in health care. Social security workers are no longer trained. Now the training is a little different but in principle I would say it is the same job
Are you doing social security workers or the merchant there, there are many differences?
So now I can tell you that. The gliding time and hours are great and you can also really adapt them from the beginning relatively well, I say. The salary is also really good for training and also the benefits. That’s true with the home office. And they offer really much as an employer, especially in training. So if you’re interested, it’s really great.
I also find the technicians far better than my current AG, the 35.5 hours week as well as the possibility of home office, we say, better than a 39 hours week without home office
We for You – TK Career Blog
The TK-own collective agreement regulates a performance-oriented salary development and an annual special payment.
there is a house agreement – it is not public
Rate and warning strikes – fairTK
Thank you very much, the first one I had already found was the Benefits, but I am interested in the training there and, of course, would like to compare which of the health insurance companies is the most attractive from merit 🙂
there is probably just blebt ask directly at the TK or drive up an azuub of the TK and ask the question or look on the internet glassdoor etc.