TeamSpeak 6 Server Version (Screen Sharing)?

Hallo, Teamspeak hat eine neue Version herausgebracht, mit neuem Overlay und der Screensharing Funktion. Der Client selbst in schon verfügbar, jedoch sind die Server noch auf der alten Version (3). Scheinbar sind nur die selbst gehosteten Server von Ts selbst mit der neusten Version ausgestattet.

Weiß man, wann die Serverversion upgedatet wird?

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1 month ago

We have heard many concerns about self-hosting and whether we will move away from it with the introduction of communities. We can assure everyone that this is not the case. Self-hosting is a core feature of TeamSpeak, and our intention is to provide the full TS6 experience, which includes screen-sharing, in the near future. We are still fine-tuning and active on the TS6 Server to ensure the best possible experience for everyone. We appreciate your patience as we prepare the server files for release.

Speak, at some point, but should definitely come

1 month ago
Reply to  Frager47320

You have written in the forums several times that you simply need geduld. It’s the beta.