Taylor Swift Konzert Tickets?
Wir können leider nicht zum Taylor Swift Konzert am 17.07. nach Gelsenkirchen und suchen nun nach einer Möglichkeit, die Tickets an den Mann/die Frau zu bringen. Meine Unterkunft habe ich schon storniert
Wie mache ich das am besten?
Viele Grüße
You have to sell the tickets via fanals as they have to be repersonalized. :
I would like to help you and buy the cards directly for my little sister (if possible). She’s a giant fan and I’d give her a living room if that’d work out! I’ve been looking for a long time. 🫶🏼
Thank you in advance!
My email: chmaleszka@gmail.com
Tel. +49 176 41023071
At ebay, you could sell it or even on social media like Facebook, even if I don’t think anything about it. You’re sure you’re going to get them because there are enough interested people.
Not at all. Everything outside the fanal is illegal.
Hey, Ischjn,
You can sell tickets via FanSale, which is the official resale platform of Eventim.
LG, Pizza80 🎶
Selling on will, makes my family always and that works great, especially at already sold out concerts
Hey, I’d take it right!🥲
I’d be interested. How much would you sell the tickets?
How much do you want for tickets
Try small ads .de
If I like to write a PN, I’ll write you more 🙂 are good cards
We already have our tickets for 3 more Tylor Swift concerts
Yes wow! This is probably the absolute hammer 😍 there she was certainly proud without end!!!
My daughter was sung by Taylor in Amsterdam now and wrinkled,-)
Once Swiftie always Swiftie;-)
Also 2x Gelsenkirchen and Vienna
My daughter was already in London and Amsterdam
Where are you going? I have great cards for Gelsenkirchen and also had a nice accommodation and I’m sad that it doesn’t work.