Taylor Swift ERAS Tour Zugangscode nicht erhalten?
hat jemand Informationen zum Taylor-Swift-ERAS-Tour Zugangslink? Obwohl ich für Gelsenkirchen sowie München für den Vorverkauf morgen zugelassen wurde, habe ich leider keinen versprochenen Zugangscode und Link heute um 17Uhr von Eventim erhalten. Spamordner etc. habe ich natürlich alles gecheckt. 😞😞😞
Danke euch
It wasn’t promised to get the code and the link. There were several selection/extinction procedures and I think that there was also the codes that could not all the theoretically participate in the pre-sale, also got a code+link. Perhaps they have written more of this in case the other have left their code or left it. Tickets are left over and you can go back and get a chance in the queue.
If you didn’t receive the code yesterday until 5:00, you would have to fill out the Eventim help form immediately. Well, unfortunately, it’s too late
That’s what I’ve done and actually got the link tonight at 1:00, but apparently it’s impossible for normal mortals to get tickets 😒 I’ve always been missing an error message. It doesn’t make me wonder
The site is still a lot too overloaded. But would have been much worse if everyone could have bought tickets without code. I’ll see what this looks like in Hamburg 🫠