Taxi fahren: langsam fahren = mehr Geld?

Hallo zusammen,

wir sind soeben Taxi gefahren und ich bin mir wegen der Kosten nicht sicher. Wir sind zum Taxistand gegangen und schon beim Einstieg war der Stand auf 5,50€. Entspricht das der normalen pauschale? Ich kenne das nur wenn man ein Taxi ruft. Ebenfalls ist der Fahrer besonders langsam gefahren. Zb in 50er Zone Grundsätzlich nur 30 und ich hatte das Gefühl das er auf Ampeln besonders langsam zu ist damit diese rot werden. Als ich darum gebeten habe schneller zu fahren, meinte er das wäre beleidigend denn er würde uns nicht abziehen wollen das wäre normal so.

Bin ich im unrecht?

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6 months ago

Taxi fee Basic fee 5,50 Euro

Pro Km 3,00 Euro

Waiting time 30 euros per hour, even if it’s in traffic.

6 months ago

It is counted after kilometers whether it drives slowly or quickly doesn’t matter.

The 5,50 is the basic amount.

6 months ago

That can and must not be.

Prices are fixed for all taxis from the municipality. Just like the bill after kilometers.

complain to the company.

6 months ago

The minimum wage is also paid in the waiting period. An hour in traffic costs 30 euros.

6 months ago

Of course, I forgot the waiting period, but…

It will be deducted after an hour and varies between 35 or just 8.50 euros depending on the municipality.

The so-called waiting time, however, means standing time, not driving slowly.

So it doesn’t matter if he drives 50 or 30.

But thanks for the hint.

6 months ago

The billing takes place after Km and time 12 seconds at the traffic light cost 10 cents.

6 months ago

The 5.50€ are the basic price/primary fee which can vary depending on where you are. It is cheaper but also more expensive.

As far as driving is concerned, if you are really convinced that the driver has done this extra, you can only contact the entrepreneur.

However, the problem will be that the driver will refer to the traffic situation. And if you can’t object to it, it’ll be hard. You can try.

5 months ago

I’ve been on my way as a taxi driver for a long time. There is a basic fee, then it goes after kilometers and of course the clock goes on at the traffic light or at the waiting time!

6 months ago

Easy to call and complain and ask back

6 months ago

The costs are calculated per km. The speed is insignificant.