Taxi bestellt und einfach gegangen?
er meinte 10-15min und kam nach halbe stunde immer noch nicht ich hatte keine zeit musste dann anders dahin kommen. kann da jetzt ne strafe kommen? hab halt nicht bescheid gesagt hatte keine zeit mher musste zur arbeiot aber zur zeit kommen die nur zu spät mein kollege hat 1 stunde! gewarte und 15min warne vereinbart. es ist so ähnlich wie taxi aber man bezahlt nur die fahrt da gibt es kein kilometet zähler oderso.
No, nothing’s coming.
I was a taxi driver. It always happens that you arrive and there’s no one left. This is called “Fehltour”. You get annoyed, you give it through, and then you get the next ride as a replacement, even though another driver is up. This is everyday.
No taxi company has anything to do with it. This costs 20x more than the distances traveled.
You don’t have to wait for the taxi forever. If you had ordered this by phone, the taxi driver could have told you that the arrival was delayed.
If you order a taxi and simply go without picking up the taxi, the taxi operator theoretically has compensation claim. To what extent the one passes through this is the other question, but I would basically call again to pick up the taxi to secure itself.
The order entered into a contract. This will not be complied with as agreed. So bad luck for the cab.
In Germany the arrival must also be paid!
but if you have to wait 1 hour instead of 15min?
then you take the bike!
it was rain then stop by bike… was no longer so strong rain it was at night as if there was a lot going on under the week