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3 years ago

If you see it > container up and push it down.

Would be nice if he gets a place in the house, cellar or the same. Even for wildlife and insects the season is not pleasant outside, which is why they retreat into houses

3 years ago

You put on the ground .. make the bale call of a thousand-five (fipschnuroink… 3x short, 3x long).. and hope that the other jumps on it and feeds you! Then you take a cardboard/glass or a building-cut container (depending on the size of it Füßlers) .. pluck it over .. and bring the animal out! Be careful.. after all, he’s got himself in you and you have to give him a basket now!

3 years ago
Reply to  FahrschulNerd

Ok that’s the best answer I’ve ever heard 😂

3 years ago

If you see him, put a cup on top. Then put a piece of cardboard underneath. Hold both and throw it off the balcony with a swing. The problem is, he’s more afraid of you than you are before him, so he’s probably hiding… so turn on light and look where he is. Probably you find him frightened in a dark corner.

3 years ago

Got one too.

Mine is crooked in the back of the wall at the last. When he escapes, he is hard to find.

But take a glass and a sheet of paper, catch it, the paper underneath and zigzag, problem solved.

Just bring it out. 🙂
