Taugen externe SSD Festplatten etwas?
Moin, lange rede kurzer Sinn ich kann leider mein PC Gehäuse nicht öffnen da mir die Schraubenzieher dazu fehlen und ich kann somit nicht meine alten Festplatten verbauen.
Da ich aber mehr Speicherplatz brauche, habe ich überlegt mir eine externe SSD mit so 1TB zu holen, taugen die etwas fürs Zocken also hat schon irgendjemand hier Erfahrungen damit sammeln können?
Oder Maybe einen SATA zu USB Adapter könnte ich mir auch vorstellen, falls jemand auch hier Erfahrungen hat kann diese jemand gerne mit mir teilen.
Can you shock with external SSDs?
If the game has to be installed, do not use it at all, at most as an external storage space.
Better buy you the right tool.
So, my colleague is also shocking with external hard drives, so running games etc. is definitely going.
I am just wondering if the FPS will be greatly reduced, which is why I would rather ask if someone had already gained experience with it.
Your comment with “Bring your right tool” doesn’t really help me, after all it wasn’t my question.
Thanks anyway!
Fps has nothing to do with it … Only can it not load or crash it
If you can buy an external hard drive, why not open a multiple cheaper screwdriver to your PC?! 🤔
idk am not so handcrafted and have already opened my old pc, which results in that I had full fps drops and I simply did not find the error
I would then also have a not so large selection of hard disks that I could incorporate only a 500gb ssd and a 1tb hd, which is not that big now.