Taubheitsgefühl im linken Zeh, was tun?
Hey ich habe schon seit mehreren Tagen/Wochen ein Taubheitsgefühl im linken Zeh, welches ich mit nicht erklären kann. Ich habe es schon auf Splitter oder sonstiges überprüft und konnte nichts finden. Was sind mögliche Ursachen und entsprechende Lösungen dafür?
Maybe there’s a disc incident going on. It does not have to be that the cause is where the effect occurs.
What could such a disc incident occur? I go to the gym and strain my legs, for example, strongly (200 kilograms on the leg press). Could this help?
It’s possible if you’re overloading something that’s gonna break up. A disc incident can always be triggered somehow. However, good backs and abdominal muscles are generally advantageous.
I just wanted to say with my answer that you shouldn’t just look where the complaints come.
Yeah, definitely do that when that lasts so long, that’s not normal anymore.
I still thank you for your comment. I’ll see a doctor soon.