Taubheit immer mal wieder in linken Fingern/Fuß, woher?

Liebes Forum,

ich habe immer mal wieder Taubheitsgefühle in Fingern und Fuß, immer nur links. Es ist mal da und dann wieder weg. Jetzt wo ich frei habe und zuhause endlich mal entspanne und viel sitze und in der Wohnung bin, ist es gerade wieder mehr.

Ich war schon 10mal bei Ärzten, Hausarzt, Orthopäde, Neurologe…, alle meinten immer “Verspannung, Nerv eingeklemmt…”, viel mehr wurde nie gemacht oder gesagt.

Daher meine Frage, ob jemand ähnliches hat. Es ist eben nicht dauerhaft, daher meine Vermutung Verspannungen/Blockaden? Aber warum immer nur links?

Meine Ärzte halfen mir bisher auch nicht wirklich weiter, eigentlich hätte ich mir die ganzen Arztbesuche auch sparen können, da man eh immer nur abgewimmelt wird.

Frohe Feiertage!

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2 months ago

Doubtness again and again in left fingers/foot, from where?

There is only one thing: a therapist who controls osteopathy can see if the static should be adjusted somewhere.

In parallel, a lack of nutrients should be considered which can cause such symptoms. Magnesium, for example

For example, B vitamins. Unfortunately, the food gets less of it than you have consumed and have to replace. However, a lack of this is not worthwhile, as it can have much more serious consequences.

Therefore, I would like to advise you on these vitamins in their bioavailable form:

  • P-5-P=B6 and
  • Folate = folic acid or B9 and
  • Hydroxocobalamine = Vitamin B12

They look broader than just one. From my experience I can introduce you (important: bioavailable) Preparation with additional betaïn, recommend that I use myself; I attach great importance to dispensing any superfluous substances during production.

Let’s check your vitamin D memory. It can also be too low (as with most people if they are not straight landscape gardeners!) And then listen to it!! The daily maintenance dose is between 5000 and 8000 IE Vit. D3 + K2 in healthy adults from the point of view of nutritional medicine.

Please also provide sufficient liquid: drink 2 to 3 l of water and unsweetened herbal tea.


It was funny to me: if I tilted the neck forward at work, my fingers died, then my hands off (with the head raised, the symptom disappeared again!). Guilty was the HWS, but then I learned about this state of deficiency and was glad to have come on this rail where I can help.


These exercises can also be helpful, which can be repeated as required.


For the foot complaints I have had good experiences with Tuina, the manual therapy of TCM (Trad. Chinese medicine). Unfortunately, the practitioners are sown.

There are also frequency therapies. Please report to questions.

I’m happy if there’s something for you.

Happy holidays!

2 months ago
Reply to  UwePeters89

I have been dealing with such issues for over 45 years and have learned that a symptom (pain, deafness, for example) only always appears where there is a vulnerability.

Now I also deal with interactions and relationships between nutrition and symptom. If nerve impulses are not redirected correctly, because certain B vitamins are lacking, then the simplest way is to try that first parallel to food.

I also recommended a visit to the osteopath as the first measure. If by using the skeleton any maladministration has led to tensioning (e.g. by avoidance), you can still take so many substances: it can only improve if the cause is eliminated.

Your doctor, of course, is so smart to keep you busy. ECT

Interval occurrence speaks m.E. again for a reference to the supply of vital substances and subsufficiency (==> nutritional medicine)

I have formulated my response on a holistic basis. Could you take another look?

2 months ago

Osteopathy is not a direct cash benefit, but many take part. The remainder can be asserted by tax.

You can also use Vit. D3 + K2 help the calcium level on the jumps. Only in this way can calcium be metabolized! We all get too little sunlight. ☆ I get it really good.

2 months ago


A frequent explanation is tensioning or jammed nerves, which you have already mentioned. However, other causes can also be considered, e.g.

1. nerve irritation or compression: When nerves are clamped in the area of the cervical spine or by narrow places such as the wrist (carpal tunnel syndrome), such feeling disorders can occur.

Two. Blood circulation disorders: A bad blood circulation could also lead to temporary deafness, especially if you sit a lot or persist in a certain position.

3. Possible neurological causes: Sometimes it can also be a neurological disorder, such as a beginning nervous disorder, but further tests would be required.

If the complaints persist or worsen, it might be useful to ask for further investigations, e.g. a nerve conduction speed or MRI examination in order to exclude deeper causes. Good luck to you.

LG 🍀