Pigeon feathers cut?
I know someone who cut off a pigeon's feathers and he said he wanted to tame them. They are high-flying Viennese pigeons that he just got. They need about 1-2 weeks for them to feel comfortable. What he did was good. He cut off a bit of the flight feathers and tail feathers so that they can't fly. The pigeons are in an aviary where they can't fly anyway, they can only walk because he's buying a bird loft soon.
So I generally don’t think it’s a good idea to cut the feathers by birds and so on their own movement. It doesn’t hurt the birds, it’s not criminal, but I just don’t think it’s okay. She can’t follow the others if they have a bird beat. It may not be accepted by the others. He could have gotten the pigeon too, without cutting the feathers, it would have been harder.
As long as he cut off the feathers so that the animal was not injured, it’s all right. With the next mouse, they grow and not everyone really lets their dust fly.
The volunteers should be big enough!