Taube brütet auf Balkon. Was tun 😅?
Hallo Freunde.. Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir weiterhelfen😅 Hatte zwei Balkonstühle aufeinander gestellt. Beim herunternehmen, sah ich diese “unangenehme” Überraschung. Taube + Ei auf dem Stuhl. Ich bin kein Freund von Tauben und weiß jetzt nicht was ich tun soll.
Why don’t you call the animal welfare in your area? Evt. can pick one up.
clear… do you also call for the protection of animals if you’re a rat or maus in your apartment?
baptisms are not called the rats of the ventilators for nothing.
What is left of the pigeons when feeding bans are issued everywhere? Also pigeons want to live. The problem is clearly humanised.
Pigeons are birds like everyone else. Just because people don’t like certain animals they are not worth less than others.
“And eating meat has nothing to do with it. Even as people still lived in harmony with nature, there were already “used animals”. That’s not nice but a different subject.”
Of course it does. Why not? What do former peoples have to do with mass livestock today? The former people have certainly already eliminated pests. Rats spread illnesses, you mean you just let that happen?
Excessive meat consumption is unhealthy that is proven. All meat which is eaten excessively dies almost only because of the taste. So we kill the animals of taste. It’s okay, but you might have to admit that. In contrast to the removal of depleted dust, our use of the resource will pose many problems to us. 18% of groundwater is nitrite-loaded. One consequence of our great agriculture in harmony.
By the way, I’m not driving expensive noble carriage.
Such a nonsense – it’s not about this. There is no life that is “extinct” more. Whatever. Every living entity has a right to life. Only people seem to think that they can decide who to kill them and why. But do it – it turns out everything. The martens eat the car cables, the pigeons and crows that cat on the car, the singing birds disturb your sleep, the insects anyway, neighbor’s cat is also a danger for the expensive noble carriage. Simply erase nature – at the latest your children will see what they have. And with “meat eating” it has nothing to do with. Even as people still lived in harmony with nature, there were already “used animals”. That’s not nice but a different subject.
If you eat meat, then good taste is apparently more important than a living entity. And regarding your statement that an animal I don’t like is worth less, you can say even less that an animal is worth less because of its taste.
So what life would be “extinguishing”? The life that causes material damage, or the living being which had bad luck and is born in a pleasant body?
I just said that pigeons are the same as all others. If you feel kicked on the slips now because your car is more important to you than a living thing – because of me.
In a society where pigs are crushed to form hedgehogs and garnish them with onions, or kill calves, because “it’s so delicious” nobody should come to me and make me stupid because I shoot the pigeons that are full of my car every night.
For me, the defense of paint damage is a more legitimate reason than “good taste”.
So as long as you’re not vegan, you’re supposed to stay with double morals.
The poor pigeons starve if we humans don’t feed them???
Call a vet or veterinarian near you, they can best help you!
Simply call the nearest shelter and ask for plaster and/or plastic eggs. Just swap the eggs. After a good week, the pigeon will surely give up. (Speak of experience, as I took care of the supply of pigeons in pigeons here on site)
All the other would be animal cruelty and criminality.
Call the animal welfare club. Even if it is “just” a pigeon. This is an animal like any other.
My cats caught a young pig. Our animal welfare association has someone who raises such young birds. He’s taken them off the ground. And I brought a wounded amsel.
Believe me, she won’t take it to you and build a new nest somewhere else. Just remove it.
I can’t waste the pigeon. I don’t want to touch her…
Why not? (always these prejudices – headaches)
with a broom
The pigeon will always try to build the nest.
certainly not if the chairs are no longer stacked on each other.
Why the pigeon stress?