Tattoos in der Immobilienbranche?

Hey 🙂

ich strebe an eine Umschulung zum Immobilienkaufmann zu beginnen.

ich besitze ein tattoo seitlich am Hals und eins am Handrücken also beide definitiv sichtbar und schwer zu verdecken haha.

meine Frage nun wisst ihr oder denkt ihr das mir diese Tattoos in Zukunft Probleme bereiten könnten einen Job im Immobilienbereich zu finden?

danke im Voraus für die hilfreichen Antworten 🙂

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2 years ago

Companies that have to find annoying workers who have to comply with these dusty requirements.

I think modern companies don’t mind it. The companies that have a problem with this can then look for corresponding employees and all are happy. There is too. Happiness more than a handful of farms in the world.

2 years ago

You don’t get a job in real estate with customer contact.

2 years ago

It depends heavily on the motive.

Especially in Germany, however, the real estate industry is quite conservative, as younger people in Germany usually can’t afford real estate, so most people with whom you will have to do are older and more conservative.

Above all tattoos on the neck are not sooo ideal. What, of course, does not mean it would be impossible.

But I already think the other industries, for example, we say car dealers or sports and fitness merchants would probably be better suited.

2 years ago

I’m conversative.

Apparent tattoos would doubt the reality of the real estate businessman.