Tattoos als Schüler?
Hallo an alle, nur zum Kontext, es ist eine 4 Uhr nachts Idee also kann es sein dass ich mich morgen früh frage warum ich diese Frage gestellt hab. Ich plane ein Full Body Tattoo was ich schon mit 18 anfangen will, das Problem ist allerdings dass ich im G9 System bin was dazu führt dass ich fast 19 bin beim Schulabschluss (ich bin einer der jüngsten in der Stufe). Da die Ferien glücklicherweise in 2026 in NRW bis Amfang September gehen hätte ich genug Zeit mir Tattoos stechen zu lassen bevor die Schule anfängt, ich würde wahrscheinlich mit einem Full Sleeve starten der schon seit Monaten in Planung ist.
Aber um zur Frage zu kommen, ist das erlaubt? Ich weiß die Lehrer können eh nichts machen, gerade da die Tinte unter der Haut ist aber könnte ich anderweitig Probleme bekommen? Vielen Dank für eure Antworten trotz der etwas wirren Frage
Full-year students are not forbidden to be tattooed. However, it is sensible to lay tattoos in the holiday season so that there are no problems with school sports, especially with swimming. So you’re right if you want to use the summer fertilizers.
I remember a mate who, in the ninth class, surprisingly crossed with a wolf head tattooed on the upper arm. He had probably just read Herrmann Hesses “Steppenwolf” and chose the wolf motif to feel halfway as a wolf. That was in the previous century and completely unproblematic. Teachers ignored this and most of the pupils too. Some have secretly admired him.
No, you can’t get any problems.
The school and the teachers can’t do anything about it, you could also make 50 piercings in your face, that’s all your personal thing
Full Sleeve? Full Body? Enough tattoos until school start? Do you even know how expensive a smaller tattoo is?
I see, above all, the greatest gap in your funding and not in school problems.
Let funding be my thing
Teachers aren’t dressing up for it, even if you’re not 18 yet, and when you start at 16 or 17 it’s not gonna matter to them. Anyway, as long as it’s normal motives.
I’ve been having some sweet tattoos since 16
If it’s your wish and you’ve been working with it for a while, just do it.
No one can forbid you!
Yes, it can make problems in the choice of profession.
I’m probably going to do a job where you work in the office where I can cover everything
And payment of Mommy & Papi?
I know
Still are about 1000,-€.
I think you understood this a bit wrong, the full body tattoo comes over several years, I would just start with the sleeve as I can afford this
I mean, how you want to pay the tattoo or a full body?
Ne, my have more interest in such jobs