Tate university?
Hey Leute, ich bin weiblich 17 und überlege bei der Andrew tate university beizutreten.
habt ihr damit Erfahrung?
wie kann ich davon meinen Eltern erzählen/ erklären?
wie läuft das ab?
Muss ich dafür perfekt englisch können?
Brauch ich dafür Social Media? ( hab bis jetzt nur snap, Tik tok hab ich gelöscht da es ein zeitfresser war.)
mir geht es darum die beste Version meines selbst zu sein und selber Geld zu verdienen.
Freue mich über antworten
In my opinion, this is more a reason to renegotiate this ominous “Andrew dide university”!
Like all the others who want to turn this stuff into “improve”. Because your participation would only improve one with a guarantee: The account status of the providers!
Okey, thank you for your comment, what else is there to earn good money for opportunities of minors?
You will only earn good money if you have a good education and are qualified accordingly.
You were born in 2007 in your user. That means you’re 17, are you a miracle child or how have you studied? Abitur has one as far as I know usually with 18 and nh study takes several years… funny HAHA
Well, I’ve got a lot of what you’ve got in front of you.
I have a completed computer science study and currently work as a software developer. Besides, I still act as a PC technician and repair PCs, build them together or equip them.
And yes, I deserve good money!
Aha, what do you have for a plan for your tookunfy
By the No Airlocks build like you!
Yes, my plan would be to study medicine and get to the business owner or investor Quadrant. I could then get my McLaren, but it’s a goal. I also want to get into financial freedom, but until I have managed to do this, I might be 40. We create the other people with 20 already big money to earn
Just take a book or continue to build yourself, make your own experiences, find out what you can do well where your talents and skills are.
These programmes from a pre-punished pimp are largely abstained.
Besides, you’re not the target group. Young, naive and influential men are being sought.
Okey thanks, yes I read books on finance beings and economy. I now want to implement my knowledge and do not know how
Come on, you’re surrounded!
So honestly, so slowly I think you want us to be here, because such a hammering naive can no longer be a person at this age!
If you want to be fit in business and finance, do ABI and study this subject! Books can at best support! But I forgot you want to make money fast, don’t you? And a study can take…
Well, if you’re interested in the topic and fun, then a training, a study and/or a professional future would probably be the best.
From a lot of money that you don’t need to live properly, it’s no difficulty in capitalism. This is the whole system. The more returns/interests/disclosures, etc., the higher the risk of loss.
Why would I fuck you? Funny
the only one that benefits is the operator of this “Academy”
Yeah, I guess. 50€ per month and seemingly 200000 people attending, that would be 10 000 000 per month for other acts and 120 million per year
Throwing money!
Good improvement
Thank you, what are you doing to make your money?
If you want to be a fraud…
Thank you for your comment!
What’s this spot? The answer was serious!
Jaa, I’m also grateful for having a meaningful comment here!
Since the “question” was obviously not meant seriously, the spot is okay.
Start working in a troll factory
🤣I think that she would ‘clean well’