Keys are pressed in?
How can I get these keys back to normal?
How can I get these keys back to normal?
Hello, my car is having several problems. is a Ford Mondeo Mk3 with the 2.0 16V In some cases (there's no pattern), the car simply starts very slowly. I mean, I turn the ignition key, then ratatatatata, and it only starts after 3-4 seconds. Other times, the opposite happens: the engine starts immediately. I also…
Car tires are still often dumped in nature, to the detriment of nature. However, I can't find any information online about how long it takes for a car tire to decompose.
hello, can someone tell me if I can at 8 p.m. until Monday 12:00 p.m. where parking is free? Best regards
The on-board computer monitor remains dark, But you can hear the computer running. I checked all the fuses and they're all OK. It's a 2015 BMW X1. My question is, what could be the cause? Thank you in advance for your answers….
The headlights in question would be a pair of Hella Comet 550. For my 1985 Opel Rekord, I'd like to mount extra headlights on the bumper, as described in the original accessories catalog ( ). I once asked on Reddit whether a plastic bumper would even stay stable if I drilled holes in it,…
Die Schalterleiste ausklipsen, rausnehmen, zerlegen und gründlich reinigen.
Dann sprühst du Silikonspray um die Schalter und es flutscht wieder.
Zum Rausnehmen brauchst du einen Kunststoffkeil, pass auf, dass die Haltenasen nicht abbrechen.
Verkleidung abnehmen.
Ist das schwer? Und kann ich das selber machen?
versuchs mit der Werkstatt
hast zuviel Kraft aufgewendet
Die sehen eigentlich ganz normal aus
Die ganz untere
Ah, jetzt seh ich’s. Der User NikkiMM hat es recht schön beschrieben.