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2 years ago

Your parents ask what you should do. So, for example, help more in the household etc.

If you are old enough, you can also carry out smaller jobs like newspapers.

2 years ago
Reply to  Noeru

Helping in the household is normal, you don’t get any pocket money increase.

2 years ago

In which your parents give you more. How much do you get now? How old are you? Are your parents both working?

If you think you need a little more, you can make reasonable suggestions as to how you can get more in the household to get a little more.

I was happy with the 150/200 a month of pocket money.

2 years ago

Go to work and earn the money. Depending on age, you have different possibilities.

2 years ago

You can make minijobs for young people instead of your parents:)

2 years ago

In which you ask your parents after an increase or if you are 13 then start a small minijob

2 years ago

Pocket money table 2023 – How much pocket money for children?

Your pocket money is true.

You could ask your parents if you div. Doing things, getting a little more.

Maybe the neighbors ask if you can help and get money.

2 years ago

Press your father.

And blackmail your mother.

And if you have siblings, they will.

But if you’re self-expressible, it’ll be stupid.

2 years ago

Perhaps through demand

2 years ago

You ask.