Targo Bank does not respond to cancellation of the loan agreement?


I applied for a loan from Targobank on December 30, 2022, and the documents were complete by January 17, 2023. I received the loan disbursement on January 19, 2023. I assume that the loan agreement was not actually concluded until then.

On January 26, 2023, I canceled the loan agreement by email. According to the contract, this is permissible. Apart from an automated email confirming that my message had been received, I haven't received any response to date. It's been almost two weeks!

I was told on the phone that the cancellation had been recorded and forwarded to the relevant department. And the cancellation was apparently correct in terms of deadlines and formalities. But apparently, the employee on the phone couldn't do anything more than forward the matter. I've since sent the cancellation again by registered mail.

In any case, I absolutely need written confirmation of the cancellation; I would like to transfer the amount back at some point.

My question is, what can I do if Targo Bank doesn't respond at all or doesn't accept my cancellation, even though it's been made in due form and within the deadline? Do I have to take legal action as a last resort?

Thanks for the answers

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2 years ago

Hello Josie221, Please contact socialmedia.de and we will take a look at your request. Greetings, Your TARGOBANK Social Media Team

2 years ago

I assume that the credit agreement has only been really concluded at that time.

You should check again what’s in the contract.

what can I do

Nothing. Either it was revoked in due time and form: Then that’s their problem if they don’t move. Or it was not revoked legally. Then they will also report and tell you why they see this.