Tanzgürtel zum Geburtstag?

Soll ich meinem Partner (seit 2 Jahren) einen Tanzgürtel zum Geburtstag schenken? Er hat zwar schon einen, aber ich finde sonst kein Geschenkt für ihn, dass auch sinnvoll ist.

Oder habt ihr Ideen, was ich ihm schenken soll, was sinnvoll ist?

Danke schon für eure Antworten

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1 year ago

Yes, with prior arrangement. Tell him you like to give him a second. With him explain what brand, what size.

I actually had to googlen what a dance belt is. If he needs such a thing because of his hobby or profession, a second would really make sense.

You could get or prepare anything else for him. Quasi as a “Pseudo gift” for the case that it would be unpleasant if he was asked “What gave you your partner?” Or just as a trination.

I mean, if it’s used professionally, it won’t be unpleasant to answer “My partner gave me equipment for my job”

1 year ago
Reply to  lissi9

Then ask him.

I mean, it’s not like you want to give a guy “because you know that” a underpants…. It is required equipment. And if it’s really professional equipment, it’ll surely be more expensive than what you’ll see through Amazon.