Tänzerin in Südkorea?
Ich bin 21 Jahre alt und habe den Traum später in meinem Leben in Südkorea zu leben und dort als Tänzerin zu arbeiten. Hat jemand Erfahrung in diesem Bereich und könnte mir ein paar Tipps geben wie ich diesen Traum erreichen kann?
Derzeit arbeite ich als Verkäuferin und bin da sehr unglücklich. Da tanzen aber ein großes Hobby von mir ist wäre es echt super das später als Beruf zu machen.
Ich bin für jegliche Tipps offen, danke schonmal im voraus 🙂
So you have to have a lot to work as a dancer. Very often the dancers are Trainees who later become idols or who did not succeed. Many choreographers are just really famous dancers and were there for shows like street woman fighter.
The thing is, most of them have come in super young, even in some idols they were in korea in dance groups with so 8 years. The competition is already strong. First of all, you have to move around and finance everything until you succeed. And so with the very big people usually work with a really strong portfolio. They can afford to be picky and only choose the best and experienced, because so many want to have such a job.
The best is: simply try.
You can best look for kpop companies or the like, which are currently looking for background dancers etc. and send high-quality videos.
You could also try with a work and grab the foot (so travel and search for jobs on site, limited to 1 year).
Yes. My best tip: Learning Korean and clarifying all the requirements for a DAUERHAFTEN stay as well as a work permit in advance and possibly fulfilling.
I’m already in the process of learning. Is it hard to get that permission? I have no idea
Why would she have a foreigner who hardly speaks Korean as a dancer? What kind of benefits would that have been about a Korean woman who does this job? What can you do better? What qualification do you have?
Tip: nice idea, but stay realistic.
Except in a South Korean adult etablissement, you wouldn’t go anywhere else.
Koreans are very special
Actually, the question was how I can reach my dream and not that I want someone to talk to me my dream or try my hope. But still thanks for your effort:)
Nobody wants to tell you your dream, but you should be grateful for something REalism.
I just see it realistic. You can have dreams, but you have to live with them when they burst.
I know the dreams can burst. But I always thought dreams were there to fulfill them and not that you see everything realistic and don’t even try
later? You’re too old for that now. And honestly? With 21 you should have left these illusions behind you,