Tante hatte Nervenzusammenbruch?

Meine Tante ist Maklerin. Meine Mutter hat mir vorhin erzählt dass sie gestern eine Art Anfall hatte und vor Kunden begonnen hat ihren Kopf gegen die Balkontür in einer Wohnung zu schlagen, bis diese geborsten ist.

Sie ist von ihrem Chef jetzt erstmal beurlaubt worden aber ich mache mir trotzdem Sorgen um sie. Ich habe sie vorhin versucht anzurufen aber sie ist nicht ans Telefon gegangen. Meine Nachrichten auf Telegramm hat sie einmal gelesen aber nicht geantwortet.

Ich frage mich nun was ich tun soll? Denkt ihr es kommt aufdringlich rüber wenn ich zu ihr fahre? Oder sollte ich sie für einige Zeit in Ruhe lassen?

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2 years ago

If you are really important to you, it would be a very honourable action from you to drive to her home and ask if she is well, to bring cake or anything else.

Unfortunately, money doesn’t make you happy and the most successful broker experiences at some point.

If she tells you that she needs some time for her, you can also leave her in peace for a while.

Nevertheless, it is always safer to look at the person. But to the psychologist, you don’t need to drive her now unless she insists…

2 years ago

I’ve experienced similar things with a relative.

You can try to be there for your aunt.
In my opinion, the difficulty begins where your aunt no longer opens. Society reacts hard to such behavior.

2 years ago
Reply to  tomkaller

If you keep thinking about what society thinks of one, you’re trapped anyway.

2 years ago

It’s so nice to have you thought so.

I wouldn’t look by first. Maybe after a few days. But then I would ask her at first if I were to interrupt her. However, it also depends on whether it is a person who then answers honestly or who still does not want to leave the visit out of courtesy, even though it disturbs them.

It could also be theoretical that she is ashamed and therefore retreats, but secretly wants someone to look after her.

Maybe you can tell her before you drive that you plan to visit her.

But as I said, I’d wait a bit.

In general, you know your aunt better and better assess how it will react.

2 years ago

That can be all possible. I hope she was quickly taken to a hospital. You don’t get in with your head.

2 years ago

Why you? You’re the least in the duty if I assume that the aunt has people around him like husband, children and, of course, your mother. What does your mother think to do?

2 years ago
Reply to  marija324

You don’t seem to be after what you write. And I think who’s doing this needs a completely different kind of help.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gorkon193

What a stupid comment you can write… Like asking for moral duties. Gorkon 🤔

2 years ago
Reply to  DerOneironaut

Oh, well, have you ever heard anything about a talk in forums? Your com is inconsistency….

2 years ago

“Why you” you don’t ask if you stop someone from doing a good job. Especially if she is already motivated from the inside.

You just look like a person who had to clean up the dishwasher at the time when he was with Mom, says, “Why me and not another,” even though you’ve never seen the dishwasher.

2 years ago

Leave her alone… if she doesn’t respond to your message, she doesn’t want any contact right now