Tankgeld von Firma Steuer trotzdem absetzbar?
Ich bin neuer Azubi und neu in der Arbeitswelt, daher weiß ich weniger über das Finanzamt und im Internet habe ich auch nichts zu dieser Frage gefunden.
Meine Firma zahlt mir Tankgeld pro 100Km zur Arbeit und Schule. Ich weiß, dass das Finanzamt pro KM 0,30 Cent zahlt, wenn man eine Steuererklärung macht.
Ich wundere mich jetzt, ob ich beides beanspruchen kann oder ob dies Steuerbetrug oder etwas in dieser Richtung ist.
Ich bedanke mich im voraus und wünsche einen angenehmen Tag.
Gruß Kürsat
However, you’re mistaken – you can use the commuter fee to reduce tax costs in an income tax statement. However, your monthly trainee fee would have to be well above 1200 euros, because you don’t pay a cent tax and can’t deduct anything.
I was really wrong. Thank you for the information. Apparently, I don’t earn 1200 euros in training, so I can quickly forget this again.
Thanks again!
Thanks for the star.
First: Of course, the tax office does not pay 30 cents (0.30 Euros), but you can deduct 30 cents per kilometre from your taxable income – and this is only for the simple route. And if you get money from your boss for gasoline, it appears in your tax certificate and the tax office sees it, so you can’t just conceal it. So, double cash would be tax fraud.
Oh great, something new learned again. I thank you very much for the information!
The tax office does not pay 30 cents per kilometre, you can deduct 30 cent of your taxable income.
If your employer gives you money for the fuel, it’s in the tax certificate that the tax office sees. If you give it twice, it would be tax fraud – rather not do it;).
Thanks for the helpful answer!