Tanga als Man?
ich bin Harald, 47 und trage gerne Tangas, ist es komisch??
ich bin Harald, 47 und trage gerne Tangas, ist es komisch??
Hallo, weiß jemand wo man solche oder ähnliche Kleider bestellen kann? Vielen Dank im Voraus!!!
Hey, ich habe heute eine interessante Prada Jacke gefunden. Laut Angaben bekommt man so eine Jacke nur wenn man 15 Jahre bei Prada gearbeitet hat. Daher die 15 auf dem Logo. Meiner Meinung nach sieht so schon echt aus. Allerdings hab ich so eine Geschichte noch nie gehört und so ein Logo auch noch nie…
Auf meinen Penis dieses rote Pünktlein sieht aus wie Pikel? Danke im Voraus
Hallo ich möchte später Basketball machen und daher frage ich ob ich noch wachsen kann. Ich bin 15 Jahre alt, werde am 26.9 16. Ich bin 183 gross. Mein Vater ist 1.84, mein Opa von der Vaterseite 1.78, von der Mutterseite ca 1.87. Meine Brüder sind beide 1.90 und 1.87. Mein Cousin von meiner Mutterseite…
Hat dieser T-Shirt-Typ eine Bezeichnung? Unter welchem Namen kann ich ihn Suchen, bestellen und kaufen?
No, why?
It is a garment that everyone can wear. The main thing he feels comfortable.
Even if some call it fetish etc., with good question one reads this, among other things, clothing. Are you wearing male or female gas? For me clothes have no sex and the women’s tangas look more beautiful.
Just courage and don’t worry.
Is a preference of quite many men so you are definitely not the only
Personally, I find tangas to men rather terrible and gay.
I also find this part bad for women.
In the end, the decision is of course left to everyone.
I Personally find Tangas with a man rather unsightly and more gay.
But even in women, I don’t think it’s great to find Ritzenputzer.
But, of course, everyone can decide for themselves.
Sure! That’s ridiculous – embarrassing. But if you feel comfortable wear what you want.
I’m wearing it too.
Everyone waa he likes, I usually don’t wear anything under
Then I’d rather take the thong than nothing.
You mean Stringtangas, because “Tangas” have a Po cover of 50% and no string.
I’ve only been wearing thongtan gas for a long time, but from the cut, I’m not extremely short. You’d be happy to have ladies strings if they fit from cut. I like it in some cases and negative comments I have never heard.
I think so, but I cannot say that politically correct, of course.
Good question has become such a fetish platform…
Wrong. You can say that. You can also find people who don’t belong to any sex. No one wants to forbid you.
Politically incorrect it is people who do nothing to despise you and choose certain parties that only want to promote traditional lifestyles.
That good question moves in any direction is at your settings. You can hide themes and show them more.
Yeah, that’s really weird.
Yeah, very funny.
It’s okay, not quite common but okay
No why, wear what you want 😘, I wear nylons tights 😘
Hi. FEINSTRUMPFHOSEN is a very nice garment and very comfortable. Wear even fine tights. 😊
That’s not true??? So, guys, you’re already on it.
I know
What do you mean 😉
It’s really cool;)
What do you think about it? It’s cooler, isn’t it?
Isn’t funny,you can wear what you want, I also wear Tanga with 50+
if you like it why not
You must feel comfortable with what you wear. Everything else doesn’t matter.
It’s not funny, everyone has another convenience factor.
It is important that you feel in it.
Do what you want…
I don’t care
What is a man?
I have great eggs.
There are also corresponding containers for this;)
And what is a man?
A man should be called a man;)
I know I just want to tell him what he did wrong.
The troll
hairy eggs.