Tampon – HILFE?
ich hab grad ein ziemlich fettes Problem.
Ich hab heute Mittag meine Tage bekommen und hab die letzten binden aufgebraucht. Jetzt steht natürlich die Nacht vor mir…
Ich habe bisher nur ganz am Anfang Tampons benutzt, die taten aber ein wenig weh beim herausziehen
icj hab nun keine andere Wahl als Tampons zu nehmen…
kann mir jemand helfen?
Ich bin 15…
hab jetzt die kleinste Größe zur Hand und wollte fragen wie ich mir den Tampon schmerzfrei einführen kann – und auch wieder rausnehmen kann ?
ich habe Angst, dass ich zu wenig blute und dass mir dann die scheide austrocknet
gibt’s da irgendwelche Tipps?
und nein, kommt mir nicht mit binden aus Toilettenpapier, ich möchte mich jetzt auch mal einer Herausforderung stellen und meine Angst vor Tampons überwinden 😀
Danke für Antworten
Angle one leg and the other on the ground (as with a heirate application- I always do) and try to push the tampon to the “wall” that does not hurt. The best deep in it when sitting does not hurt (I speak from experience). When pulling out slowly and not just pulling out, but rather pulling up (not too much). Bitely weird, but can also make you moist when you’re afraid that it’s too dry, but I’ve never worked personally and even if it’s completely dry, just take a little longer.
I hope I could help.
LG 🤗
Thank you
Np 😊
This is why you should not use tampons when bleeding easily, otherwise it is only painful or unpleasant. Tampons are best suited for strong bleeding, otherwise even binding, or absorbing paper as insert.
what are the answers to
A response from a woman who does not use tampons when bleeding is weak.
From Vaseline or sliding gel to tampons, as described in other answers, I absolutely do not hold anything.
You don’t have to wear tampons if they only cause pain.
So there’s no drying out, but you can do vllt vaseline to the tampon. I’ve done this with a gliding gel, because I’ve always used it for my hair.
and even if it is uncomfortable; you just have to wear it in the sun
the only helpful answer ….
I’m afraid it’s too dry tomorrow morning and I can’t get the tampon out anymore 🫣
He always goes out and easily. Just hold on the thread and pull. It’s harder.
Vaseline is a waste product from oil production.
It certainly doesn’t belong to the vagina…
And gliding gel is meant for sex if the man does not manage to get the woman wet with foreplay, or necessarily means having to park in the back… So, actually, completely superfluous.
You learn when you’re ready. No one has to push a tampon in with 12 or 14 if you don’t feel ready for it.
I never used it myself, but I know that a lot of people use it for “toys”, so in the end it doesn’t matter what material you use it now.
And I think it’s good to start using tampons as young as possible so that you can do it later. And even with light bleeding, you do not want to wear bandages due to sports or swimming
Yes, for SEX…
Not for the use of a hygienic product in monthly bleeding.
I don’t think it’s gonna be a tampon with sliding gel. With light bleeding, you just leave it with the tampon!
You may be right with the vaseline, but glider is there for it to slide. For what purpose you use it, it doesn’t matter. I mean, I use it on my face and got better skin. As long as it does, you can do what you want
Doesn’t that hurt if he’s not full enough?
Can it lie on the bachelor’s skin, which is why you’re in pain? Your young lady is stretchy. Have you ever tried tampons with introduction aid? You can add some lubricant to them and others. Make sure that the tampon is a little bit more full when you remove it.
I’m sorry, I didn’t have the problem, but have you already tried on YouTube or other media platforms to look for help?
Pharmacies have emergency services and every gas station has something like that. Let’s get something
now? I live in the village and the next tank is 25km away. My parents would kill me
Come on.
Next time enough stockpile