
Hallo , vielleicht haben mansche von euch ja auch meinen Post von gestern gelesen ( Tampon Problem / ich hab meinen Tampon nicht mehr raus bekommen ). Ich gehe gleich an einem See Baden mit meinem Vater . Er weiß nicht das ich meine Tage schon hab und das soll auch so bleiben ( hat Gründe die ich nicht erklären werde ). Also was soll ich machen , ich kann doch nicht einfach meine Hose mit der Binde anlassen , ich sollte einen Bikini tragen aber dann blute ich durch , kann ich irgendwas machen das ich entspannt mit Bikini in der Sonne liegen kann ? Einen Tampon werde ich nach einem „Unfall“ gestern bestimmt nicht verwenden . Wart ihr auch schonmal in so einer Situation? Was habt ihr gemacht oder was soll ich machen

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11 months ago

Either cancel the appointment. Or simply learn from the error of the accident and reduce the likelihood of repetition of the “infall” to a minimum.

Because you do not want to talk about the topic with your father for reasons that are not known to me, you can, for example, pretend Migräner. For example, there is also a light sensitivity and you stay better at home in the dark.

Even if I don’t think of lies per se, you must live behind your actions and resulting consequences.

11 months ago

Hey, I answered your question yesterday.

There is no other option either you take a tampon and turn right (I can help you) and then you can lie there and swim (in the swimsuit)

Or you don’t take one and you have to take a binding and can’t swim like that.

There is another menstruation cup but you should leave them.

Tell your father it must be because it is not bad to have his days. It’s very unpleasant for me to talk to him about it, but it must be.

Join me if you have any questions about tampon etc

Lg Elli

11 months ago


Without a hygiene product that catches the blood from the inside (so that it must be introduced) you should not go into public waters.

Not only could it be embarrassing for you if someone notices it (if you go out of the water your bikini pants are full) but also because you are more susceptible to infect during the period. In a lake, sea or swimming pool, there’s a lot around. In your womb is just a wound (from which the bleeding also leaves) and if something comes from this water or from the bacteria these could trigger an inflammation, an infect, a fungus or a parasite attack.

Therefore, during the period one should not go to a lake or to the swimming pool without a protective barrier (for example by a tampon or a menstruation cup, which will be brought out after swimming and thus bring a large part of the bacteria and parasites out).

The “water pressure stops the bleeding” is a superstition. As soon as you begin to swim, move and unintentionally tension your muscles in the pelvic floor and the vagina, the blood is pressed out or smashed by the water and the muscles. In the water you can see a trace of blood coming after you through the clear water.

So either use a tampon or tell your dad… You don’t have more options on the fast. For the future you can also buy period spongewear. It’s like underwear only as a bikini. Softtampons are also a way for beginners to be afraid of the tampon.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



11 months ago

Why don’t you tell him? It’s totally normal to get his period sometime.

I usually don’t feel good while and don’t go swimming.

If you feel more comfortable with ties, just tell him what’s up and let your pants go with tie.

He’s grown up and will be able to handle it.