Takis Chip für 5€ eure Meinung?
ich habe mir heute eine Tüte Taki Chips gekauft zum probieren die Tüte 90 g hat mich fünf Euro gekostet. Geschmacklich finde ich sie persönlich persönlich ganz okay also nichts besonderes, als würde ich gern eure Meinung wissen. Ist das abzocke oder ist der Preis gerechtfertigt?
I wouldn’t buy her. 5€ for 90g is more than I pay for beef fillet and then I prefer it as chips.
what do you buy for Filet…
Cattle fillet, stand there.
33,99 the KG. Argentine beef.
Yes, you can buy the Fleishc to 99€/KG from your hip city carpenter.
We from the village always know to help!
Once in the world carved cheap meat. Well, meal.
I work on the weekend in a kiosk and know the prices…usually you are bought per bag for around 3,50€ as it was imported….the price of 5€ is already justified…the people have to earn something and pay employees, etc.
€3.50 for 90g chips? But not when you order in great masses.
This is already the wholesale price.
I think that’s too expensive.
It’s import. I wouldn’t give up for stinky tortilla chips.
takis gets us for 2,50€ 😀
they taste different