Tageslimit Sparkasse?
Hallo ihr lieben,
ich musste eben gegen 17:30 Geld abheben bei der Sparkasse. Ich habe den Tageslimit überschritten und muss dann morgen nochmal hin. Müssen unbedingt 24 Stunden rum sein oder kann ich zb morgen früh gegen 10 Uhr schon Geld abheben ?
danke schonmal
Yeah, you should be able to fix money tomorrow.
I’m not sure if the function also has, but I can change the daily limit in online banking – except you have set the maximum.
I’m sorry I don’t know because I had to take the money for my grandma. She has no online banking
OK, then you, or your grandma, would have to change it at the switch. But then you could fix the money right there.
I live in the country – I have to go to the next ATM in the next place. Luckily, I need this very rare.
Yes, but unfortunately this was not possible at this time at the switch. All employees have long since 🥲
That goes from 00:00 to 24:00
So it means that it’s imperative that 24 hours pass, or did I get it wrong?
After midnight, you can take off again. You can theoretically take off your day off at 23:59 and back at 00:01
Sorry, thanks now I understand 🙆🏻 ♀️
After midnight, we’ll be back.
Okay thank you very much