Tagesgeld oder Festgeld anlegen?
ich möchte Geld anlegen und wollte fragen welche sich am meisten lohnt ob Tagesgeld oder Festgeld und was ist deren Vor und Nachteile ?
Wollte online vergleichen habe nicht verstanden was mit geplanter Anlagebetrag gemeint ist ob für ganze Dauer oder monatlich ist?
Wie viel bekomme ich wenn ich monatlich 500€ anlege also 6.000€ im Jahr und der Bank 4,40% Zinsen bezahlt?
Fixed money: You put a certain amount at a fixed interest rate and get your money back after the end of the contract term.
During the daily money you deposit the money, the interest varies depending on the market situation, for that you can always get to your money. However, interest rates are also slightly lower.
Here you can compare: http://www.modern-banking.de/
Which is better day money or holiday money?
At first I would recommend a daily money account. You stay very flexible. The money is available virtually daily. And interest rates are currently quite decent at 3 to 4% depending on the provider.
In the case of daily money accounts, the generated interest on the capital day is calculated accurately. The month is set at 30 interest days. The total calendar year therefore counts 360 interest days (so-called German interest rate calculation or German interest rate method)
How do you calculate interest?
No, you don’t have to pay daily. Daily allowances are sight deposits which are available daily. You put a sum of X, for example, 5,000 euros, but the money is available daily and does not require prior notice. That’s why day money. On the other hand, the money is fixed for a certain period (e.g. 6 months). Early repayment of the facility is then not possible. I only make day money
If I have to pay 100€ per day for daily money?
Probably the total amount you want to make
Thanks for the tip. What is meant by planned investment amount? The daily amount or monthly how?
At the Stiftung Warentest you can check in the current issue Financial Test there are the best holiday offers and day money offers listed. The difference is that you get your money at any time at the time of the day money, and in case of fixed money you only get to the money after the agreed term expires.
You can save monthly in the case of daily allowances, not at fixed costs.
Which is better day money or holiday money?
If you don’t have to get to your money then fixed money is usually better because it brings higher interest rates, but you won’t get to the money during the runtime.
You can deposit and cancel your daily allowance as you like.
In the case of daily allowances, the interest rate may change during the duration of the term, and may not change for fixed allowances.
That’s Rechnen 5th grade. If you can’t calculate it yourself, you shouldn’t do anything.
You have to leave it if you can’t count it. Then you can’t do anything
If I charge 6,000€ for a year and interest is 4.40% how much do I get?
You can’t make a monthly deposit for fixed money. You have to pay for something and that will last for half a year or a year or for how long. You won’t get any more ran during the runtime.
For fixed money, you also usually have to make at least €5,000.
How about fixed money if interest is 4.40% and I charge 500€ per month or 6,000€ a year? How much do I get
At Traderepublic you get 4% unbound.
Of all 100% safe facilities, this is the best.
For monthly savings, only daily money makes sense. Fixed money is for one-off systems.