Kinder?Bester Freund?Eltern?Jugendliche?
Gehen eure Kinder oft zu Freunden? Jugendliche- Trifft ihr euch oft mit Freunden?
Gehen eure Kinder oft zu Freunden? Jugendliche- Trifft ihr euch oft mit Freunden?
Gutmütigkeit lohnt sich halt nicht. Jetzt ist der Bekannte nach 45 Jahren Arbeit in Rente gegangen, vor zwei Monaten, und da erklären ihm die zwei Weiber er soll ausziehen. Echt. Hacken andauernd auf ihm rum, wollen ihn fertig machen. Er ist ein Braver und kann sich kaum wehren. Unser Vorschlag war, zuerst mal seine Rente…
This is the part where the water has to go in; grilling takes place from above. On Monday we had a barbecue, and since we have an electric grill with a water tray under the grill grate, my husband sent our son with a liter measure to fetch water from the rain barrel. My mother-in-law…
I'm very uncreative. I wanted something special for my 50th birthday. Does anyone have any ideas?
My wife will be turning 40 in March. I've been thinking about what to give her for a long time. A video of friends and relatives congratulating her has long been in the works. But now, because a helicopter flew over my work last week, I've come up with the idea of giving her a…
We've been renting a house for 14 years, and our first child died a few months after birth. We were just taking a romantic bath together and talking about our marriage. She told me she wants to have children, which doesn't fit into our lives at all right now. For one thing, at 39, she's…
When you're discussing things with your brother at his house and the voices get louder, do you think it's okay that his wife gets involved and attacks me completely, for example, she says, "Have more respect, don't talk like that," because he's her husband she just wants to defend him. I think to myself, "Don't…
My husband had to work today and he never comes home before 6:35 p.m. I drove the children to my single father's house. This afternoon my husband called and asked if I would be back on time so that he could have his dinner on the table on time. I told him that I was…
I recently read a question about domestic violence against men. Then I remembered that I heard a while ago that if men have experienced domestic violence, the ex-wife is often still allowed to have their child with them. Is that really true?
Assumption: The condominium, bank account, and stock portfolio are transferred to the wife. The husband has to go into a nursing home. Does the wife have to pay nursing costs that the nursing insurance doesn't cover? Does this depend on the value/size of the apartment, bank account, and stock portfolio?