Is Gottschalk allowed to extend Wetten, Das's time limit or does he just do it?

I'm currently watching "Wetten, Dass" and I noticed that it was only supposed to run until 11:15 PM. Is this overrun planned, or is Gottschalk just doing it? Does he get more money, and does he know in advance which bets will win or lose? I think it's great for nostalgic reasons, but I liked…

What do you think of Thomas Gottschalk's rejection of German stars on "Wetten Dass?" this fall?

Thomas Gottschalk recently said in an interview: "We're not right with Mark Forster or Lena Meyer-Landrut, I maintain. Nothing against these deserving artists, but it's actually important to me that we demonstrate a 'greatness' that doesn't need to be explained to me. Imagine, Queen singing 'We are the champions' at the end – we're right…