Interview at 6 p.m.?
I have an interview in Switzerland today at 6:00 p.m. for an IT position. What would be your suggestions for me to make a great impression?
Why are Swiss people against foreigners?
Last time I asked a question about whether, as an EU citizen, you realistically have a chance of getting an IT job in Switzerland. Now, after I had applied several times and was on my way to an interview, I met a Swiss man who told me that I should stop applying in Switzerland because…
Writing Swiss German – just replace ß with ss and you're done??
Hello! I might be moving to Switzerland soon. I don't speak Swiss German, but writing it might be easy. Are there other grammatical differences besides the ß/ss difference?
Pay definitive taxes in installments or provisional ones (Switzerland)?
Hello everyone Is it possible for me to simply pay the final tax bill in installments after submitting the documents next year (approx. April/May)?
Gab es zuerst Hochdeutsch oder Schweizerdeutsch?
Habe vorhin im Zug gehört das angeblich schweizerdeutsch zuerst kam und danach das hochdeutsch, aber bisher dachte ich das schweizerdeutsch vom hoch- abgeleitet wurde. Oder irre ich mich?