What can you do about strong cigarette smell in your home?

I live on the third of four floors in a 16-unit building, and I have the problem that the entrance area of ​​my apartment smells extremely strongly of stale smoke. This isn't because my apartment was once a smoker's apartment, but because my neighbor one floor below me smokes a lot. This smell is so…

How can I get the property management to put pressure on the tenants below me (apartment smells of smoke, noise)?

The neighbors (retired) below me are smokers. Their apartment constantly smells of cigarettes and a bit musty. If they've been in the hallway, you'll immediately notice the disgusting stench, and you'll have to open the windows wide to get rid of it. If you walk a few meters behind them, you'll notice how stinky they…

What can be done about bus drivers who smoke on the bus?

I live in the Rhineland. Smoking on buses is prohibited here, just like anywhere else. But it seems to be a tradition among bus drivers. I live at the second stop on a bus line (right at the beginning). About every other bus is always disgustingly smoky. I've already written dozens of complaints. Initially, I…

Why didn't anyone complain about cigarette smell in the past?

Serious question. Back in the '50s and '60s, everyone smoked, and so there were probably few places where it didn't smell. But back then, there apparently were never any major complaints about it. These days, everyone says cigarettes stink, even people who smoke. I find that a bit irritating. Have people perhaps become more negative…

Can cigarette smoke pollutants be washed out of clothing? If so, what's the best way?

Cigarette smoke is known to stick very stubbornly to textile fibers. So is it possible to wash it out in the washing machine, or will residues remain? I'm asking specifically about baby clothes and children's clothes that you buy secondhand, where you can't really know for sure and some things give off the slight impression…