Supervisor embezzles company funds – what to do?

Hello dear community, Let’s assume it would happen like this: The supervisor has undergone a dramatic change in personality. He appears increasingly nervous, covers things up, lies, and intercepts the mailman at the entrance every day. The employee is already thinking about it and suddenly finds an invoice in the printer that seems implausible. Employees…

Continue shopping and partying despite being in debt?

Why does someone continue to spend their money even though they are in debt and are receiving debt counseling? The person doesn't pay rent, but spends it on clothes and parties… They've been receiving reminders and letters from debt collection agencies every week for four years… but they continue shopping and partying unchallenged. The main…

What do you call this? Compulsive shopping? Sister acting strange?

My sister has at least 1,000 entries in the register because she never goes to get a parking ticket and instead parks like this because it's supposedly cheaper that way. She's lived with my mother her entire life and has never paid rent. She bought a new car for €15,000, which she couldn't pay off……

Mother is dependent on her children and depressed, what should she do?

Hello, I would be grateful to anyone who reads this text and has some advice for me. I have the following problem with my mother: The older I get, the more I notice how clingy my mother is towards me and my brother. First, a few things about my mother: She fled to Germany with…