Are there any pleasure trips as a team building or offsite event for consultants, sales people, investment bankers that happen to be in the Thailand area?
on the move or have extensive compliance processes largely eradicated these escapades?
Who is the main target group for sex tourism in Thailand?
Are they people who have just finished high school, men with a midlife crisis or rather old geezers?
Würdet ihr als Frau euren Ehemann alleine mit einem Kumpel für paar Wochen nach Thailand reisen lassen?
Selbst wenn sie vorgegeben einen harmlosen Männerurlaub machen zu wollen bei dem es um Natur, Kultur z.B. Tempel und die Thai-Küche geht?
Will Pattaya still be considered a sex tourism hotspot in 2024?
Years ago, I saw a really disgusting documentary about Germans who really let loose there and fly there more or less unashamedly to have sex with a Thai woman every night. Is that still the case there, or has the situation improved?
Question Is it easy to have sex in Jesolo?
Going to Jesolo, Italy with the class and we are wondering if it is easy to have sex there?
Can you get the Lambo in poor countries at a purchasing power level?
Good morning! Can you get a Lambo in countries like Thailand or Kenya at a price adjusted to purchasing power, i.e. for 50,000 euros or so, or does it cost at least 200,000 there too? Thanks!