Damp basement? Screen printing? Lack of space?

Good morning, I'm planning to start a small screen printing business and would like to start by printing T-shirts. Originally, I wanted to set up a studio in my basement to store and print the T-shirts. However, the humidity meter shows a humidity level of 78%, which is well above the recommended levels. Therefore, I…

How many and what types of fluorescent tubes do I need for a lighting table?

It's about screen printing. The lighting table should accommodate formats up to A2. How many fluorescent tubes and black light tubes will fit in the table? Can someone give me a link? The tubes should probably be 50 cm long or one meter high… Thank you so much for your help and for the precise…


Hello Can I tie-dye a screen-printed T-shirt? Or will the colors clash, causing the screen print to peel off, or something similar? Unfortunately, it's too late to tie-dye beforehand. There's also another print on the T-shirt, but I don't know what color it is. I hope someone can give me some information because I couldn't…

Jacke/Hemd selbst bedrucken?

Moin, ich habe nur Jacken und Hemden, bin kein T-Shirt träger. Einige davon würde ich gerne mit Schriftzügen oder Symbolen bedrucken. Wenn ich dazu im Internet suche finde ich nur lauter Websites bei denen man bereits bedruckte shirts/jacken/hemden(eher selten) kaufen kann. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit für Ottonormaltyp das selbst zu machen? Bin durchaus gewillt dafür…

Why do my T-shirts, which I print with screen printing and water-based ink, occasionally crack after washing?

Hello, my problem is that I print the t-shirts so that I iron over them 2 to 4 times, then dry them lightly with the hot air gun and then put them under the transfer press at 154° for 10 seconds and then a second time for 40 seconds. Up until then everything is fine…

Printing semester ticket / student card using screen printing?

Hello everyone, Our semester ticket is validated every semester by inserting the card into a machine, which removes the old imprint from the lower third of the card and prints the new date. This surface appears to have been so damaged by pulling it in and out of my wallet that nothing is printed there…