Hey, ist meine folgende Definition zu der Homologie (Evolution) korrekt?

Hey, ist meine folgende Definition zu der Homologie vollkommen korrekt?: Die Homologie bezeichnet innerhalb der Evolution biologische Strukturen oder Merkmale von Lebewesen/Organismen, die bei verschiedenen Arten aufgrund eines gemeinsamen Vorfahren ähnlich sind. Sie besitzen den gleichen Grundbauplan und können sich in Funktion und Aussehen deutlich unterscheiden, was aus der divergenten Entwicklung (—>Divergenz), also der Entwicklung…

How do I submit receipts/documents to the job center digitally?

Hello dear community, Is there any other way besides the standard benefits mailbox to submit a document requested by the JC? A specific one, such as a training certificate, a specific bank statement, or something similar. There's nothing for which there's a pre-printed online form. There's no suitable request among the messages you can send…

A small business owner also sells at a flea market. How do you record something like that in an income statement?

Let's say I have a small business. I'm sorting through old things from my apartment and want to sell them. Am I doing this as a small business owner or as a private individual? If I pump the money I earn into my small business as a private individual, what is this process called? Is…

Wie sollte man den Australischen Arbeitgebern und Behörden seine Arbeitserfahrung belegen?

Soweit ich informiert bin verlangen die Australischen Behörden mindestens ein bis drei Jahren Erfahrung in einem Job damit man eine gültiges Vizum bekommen kann und in Australien arbeiten darf. Und ich möchte nur wissen wie sie (die Australischen Arbeitgeber und die Leute die das Vizum ausstellen können) Arbeitserfahrung als solche anerkennen und wann die diese…

Receipt for entertainment costs over €250 – should I add the company address by hand?

When you go out for business, you usually get a machine-generated invoice – in a perfect world, of course, with the company address and TSE information. But often not, and you're instructed to add the company address yourself by hand. Technically, only the restaurant is allowed to do this anyway, but on the other hand:…

How do you deal with income as a self-employed person with a business license without any receipts? For example, paid surveys or YouTube videos?

They just send you the money, and that's it. The platforms don't even want an invoice. Is proof of incoming money in the form of bank statements sufficient? The small business regulation would also exempt this from VAT. Or do you write pro forma invoices that you never send? But what do you write in…