Tempo of recordings in Cubase slower?

Hello everyone, We record our stuff in the rehearsal room with Reaper. I've now got Cubase 13LE for home use and for rough mixing. I'm getting along fine, but my biggest problem is that my recordings in Cubase are significantly longer, and therefore also relatively slower! Example: Recording rehearsal room/Reaper: 02:57 Imported tracks Cubase: 03:13…

Course/Bootcamp producing beats?

Are there courses/distance learning/bootcamps to learn how to produce beats? For example, there are many providers like ILS and SGD for various topics. Or there are online bootcamps for programmers. Is there something like this specifically for producing beats? I've seen courses like those from HOFA, but they focus exclusively on producing, like mixing and…

Metal: How do I make a treble fade-in?

Hello! I have the following problem: I'm playing with my amp into an IR and would really like to have the treble fade in slowly at the beginning of a riff. Or at least something like the effect in Skillet – My Obsession ( https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1eeC_xWY-5g&pp=ygUUbXkgb2JzZXNzaW9uIHNraWxsZXQ%3D ). I also discovered it here in the songs (tutorials…

Record drums?

Recently, after a long time, I finally got myself a complete audio setup (interface, microphones, overheads, trigger module, cables, etc.). The only thing I can't quite get right, or rather, I'm finding it relatively difficult to get into, is recording. My bandmates all use Reaper for their guitars and vocals. I downloaded it, but I…