How long does it take to become a radiologist?
I can't find any precise information about it online. Can anyone tell me how much the salary is?
I can't find any precise information about it online. Can anyone tell me how much the salary is?
Thank you. I find it very interesting.
Hello, My dental surgeon referred me for a CT scan so they can better see where the tooth is running. I have statutory health insurance and earn €490 net. Do I have to pay for the painting myself? With what? 🤷🏻♀️
Can anyone tell me what's in the image? It looks unusual. Images are available today via QR code. The report is being sent to my doctor. No appointment yet, and I'm worried.
Hey So, I already wrote a post about pain under my ribs, especially on the left, pressure in my stomach area, and stabbing pains—just a feeling like something was there that didn't belong there. I also had burping and stabbing pains in my back during this time. I went to the orthopedist yesterday and the…
I'm 25 now and had a bone density test done purely out of curiosity. My T-score was -1. That's not particularly good, but it's still within the normal range. The doctor said everything was perfect?! How can that be? A value of 0 would be optimal, right?
Hello, I've been terrified of all kinds of cancer for years. Unfortunately, I'm always checking and feeling my body a lot. I keep getting a tickly cough, stabbing pains in my back and stomach, and sometimes a pressure in my ribs and stabbing pains there too. When I burp or drink, I sometimes feel a…
Hello How many bananas do you need to have free electricity for a whole day? Lg
Hello I was worried that I had swallowed something metallic the other day. If, for example, you actually swallow something metallic, like a piece of wire or a metal splinter, and then go for an MRI. In my case, it was an MRI of the abdomen. Could the magnetic fields move it and cause internal…